What Can I Do for the Creator?

163Question: The main idea of Kabbalah is to bestow to the Creator. Can you give an example of what it means to bestow to the Creator? After all, it is not some object, but the whole of nature.

Answer: Bestowing to the Creator means fulfilling, for His sake, the conditions and the actions that He wishes to see, feel, and receive. Then these actions are called bestowing to the Creator.

Question: What are these conditions and actions?

Answer: If you knew the needs of the Creator, then you would start looking for what you can bestow to Him.

Question: Let’s say, I know that bestowing to the Creator means bestowing to my neighbor. If I act this way toward my neighbor, does it mean I am bestowing to the Creator? But where is the pleasure in this? I am not enjoying it.

Answer: No but you start to think: what can I do for the Creator? There are only two actions here, receiving or bestowing. Nothing else.

Let’s say I can give, since this is closer and clearer to me. If I give to others around me, I elevate them and welcome them; they appear bigger and higher in my eyes than others. This is bestowing.

Question: What can I give to my neighbor?

Answer: Anything. You need to find out what they desire.

Question: Let’s say I found out what my neighbors desire and I give it to them. As I do this, I imagine that I’m fulfilling the commandment of the Creator. Is that all?

Answer: Yes that is all. Is that not enough? Imagine if someone did that for you!
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

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