Receive an Answer in Faith above Reason

237The Romemut [exaltedness, sublimity] of the Creator means that one should ask the Creator for the strength to go above reason. This means that there are two interpretations to the Romemut of the Creator:

When you turn to the Creator to answer the questions arising within you, you learn the correct responses.

Question: What does it mean to receive an answer in faith above reason? The answer would be what you perceive within reason.

Answer: A person can understand the Creator’s answers only at the same, even minimal level, at which the Creator speaks to him, and this is faith above reason.

The Creator responds to their questions, meaning His excitations within them, in any form. There is no condition that He answers only in one particular way. Essentially, the answers come in the form of the upper light. Then we assimilate them in a way we can perceive them both in breadth and depth.

Question: I am doing my best to rise above myself, unite with my friends, and ask the Creator a question from this state, for example, how to act in a particular situation. What does it mean that He answers me? In what form can this be?

Answer: If you tune yourself to the Creator, you will hear His response in the form you can perceive.

Question: Does this mean I have received an answer in faith above reason?

Answer: Yes, depending on how you reveal it for yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Exaltedness of the Creator?”

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