Mistakes Develop

243.03Question: Should a person necessarily learn through mistakes?

Answer: There is no other way since comprehension is possible only when you understand two opposites in combination.

You must simultaneously perform analysis, separation, synthesis, and combination. It is only when you do all that you get an understanding of what is going on.

Otherwise, there are no feelings. The fact is that I want to feel something I do not have. It is not in me, and I have a negative attitude toward it. When I receive it, then I feel it in me.

But, it is in me. There is me with my desire and something that fills this desire. Then, two opposite objects know what one without the other and one with the other mean. It is what comprehension consists of.

It is the same in our world, everywhere, in everything. That is why we always give children a variety of exercises and present them with all sorts of difficulties so that they collect, build, and develop.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mistakes Develop” 2/7/12

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