Live in a Double Reality

910Question: How do you raise the importance of dissemination?

Answer: According to the importance, what is determining, the cause or the effect.

Since any of our actions can only be performed under the influence of the light, we must first take care about the source of the light, how to awaken it and how to direct it correctly. To do this, we need to place the object which needs to be influenced by the light before the light.

Through what should it be directed toward the light? Through the world, through the group, then it will be aimed at the action of bestowal and the light will come to it from the opposite side.

The thing is that everything here works not as it seems to us in our world (it only seems), that we are the cause and then comes the effect. On the contrary, when you become the right cause, the effect comes to you from above, the light, and you see that in fact, it by itself was the cause.

It is the same as if we correctly perceive events, we begin to switch the cause and effect between them.

Let’s say, a bullet is flying toward a window. Before the bullet has even reached it, the glass is already breaking. Since the glass must break, such an action occurs in our world that causes it to break.

Question: How do you constantly perform this analysis? After all, it is constantly changing.

Answer: I live in it. I constantly have a double reality because I work in it and see how it depends on my properties (there is nothing objective here) until I transfer everything from my actions, from my properties, to the side of the Creator who works with me at the beginning and at the end.

That is, the beginning of the action is in Him. The process of the action depends on how it will proceed in me, on how much I am connected with the Creator. The end of the action is also in Him. So, the beginning and the end are clearly defined. I can only feel the intermediate state either closer to the Creator or closer to creation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Change the World for the Better?” 1/23/12

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