Israel Is The Heart Of The Entire World

229Israel were made by the Creator, the heart of the whole world. And so are Israel among the nations, like a heart among the organs. And as the organs of the body cannot exist in the world even a minute without the heart, all the other nations cannot exist in the world without Israel (Zohar for All, Vol. 7, “Pinchas”).

Some nations live so far away from the people of Israel that they have no connection with them, yet they exist. It is not just about mere existence, but about a deeper meaning, about connection with the center of the world, with the Creator, which for other nations can only be through Israel.

And since people subconsciously seek this connection through Israel and do not find it, this leads them to hatred toward the people of Israel. Thus antisemitism arises. People do not understand where their hatred comes from. But in reality, the internal reason lies in the feeling that they cannot find the center of the world through Israel, from which they could fill themselves and their souls.

Therefore, they blame the people of Israel and think that if they could eliminate them, they could somehow arrange their own existence. But it will not work out that way.

Israel must be the heart of the entire world, the center of unity through which all the world’s nations unite with each other and the Creator. The connection of the world with the Creator goes through Israel. It turns out that Israel must raise a prayer for all the nations of the world and feel their desire as its own.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

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