Feel the True Reality

707Question: Is our ultimate task to feel the correct reality within ourselves, that is, to move from the external picture of the world to the internal one?

Answer: Of course! Undoubtedly. We must arrive at the correct picture of the universe without any distortions. After all, it is precisely egoism, which deliberately acts as an obstacle for us, that projects our inner reality outward and shows it to us as if it exists outside.

At present, within myself, I only feel my inanimate, vegetative, and animate states. But my human state I sense outside of myself because I am an absolute egoist.

To the extent that I become connected to external objects, accept them as my own, with participation, with sacrifice, even with love, to that extent, I feel them within me, as a mother feels the fetus within her, and to that extent, the entire universe seems to enter me.

Question: Is this already the end when I feel the entire universe completely?

Answer: Yes, of course, the end! Because this is the culmination of my unity with all of nature. When all of nature enters me, and I feel it within me and become an integral part of this nature, then the sum of all these impressions, parts, is felt within me as my adhesion with the Creator, with the highest common thought of nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World as We don’t Know it” 1/12/12

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