The Sixth Day of Creation

715Question: On the sixth day of creation, man was created. It is interesting what the Creator said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” What does this mean?

Answer: After all inanimate and living creations, man is created in the image and likeness of the Creator. This means that man is created in such a way that he can literally grow from scratch to become like the Creator Himself.

Question: We usually say that the Creator has no image at all. What is meant by being in the image and likeness of Him? Let’s say it is about similarity in qualities; this somehow could be understood.

Answer: Of course, when a person forms a likeness of the Creator within himself, he takes upon the influence of the upper Sefirot, the forces of the Creator, and thus builds out of himself all the emanations, all the actions, of the Creator so that ultimately he acquires the quality of similarity.

In principle, it is not about the creation of man, but about the fact that on the sixth stage of spiritual correction, a person discovers within himself the strength to take all inanimate, vegetative, and animate desires, direct them toward the Creator, and thus become like Him.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/21/24

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The Fifth Day of Creation
The Fourth Day of Creation
Second and Third Days of Creation

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