What Is the Most Important Thing in Marriage?

725Question: There are many couples in our Kabbalistic group who really want to build their relationships on a new level of connection. They work in their own groups and watch the program “New Life” about family life together.

They want to build the family of the future that you talk about all the time. How can they check that they are moving in the right direction? What is the family of the future?

Answer: It is when a husband and wife are very close companions to each other. They don’t impose themselves on each other. They understand that they have a long life.

Comment: Together.

My Response: Together is relatively together. Together is impossible. We must accept our mutual states so that they are not double-edged, so that they complement each other.

Where we feel that we are doing something pleasant, we get closer. Where we feel that there may be some problems, we move away. We behave selectively. And then we will be fine.

Question: But we do not run away? Is this what it means to build a family?

Answer: We don’t think about building all the time. We just feel where we can help the partner, and where it is not necessary to interfere.

Comment: And this, you say, is called “partners.”

My Response: Yes. This is the most important thing in marriage.

Question: And everything else: love…?

Answer: There is love between a mother and a child. And there is love between man and the Creator. There is no love between people. There is a possibility of creating a very kind, close, mutual connection, but it is still not love.

Love appears, manifests, is created, and is born where there is a connection from nature, from nature itself, like a mother with a child, and as a person arises with the Creator.

It is a natural connection. This can be called love. But just between a man and a woman, even if they understand the importance of each other and try to somehow complement each other, it is not love, it is still mates. And this is the family of the future.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

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