How Should We Introduce a Person to the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

281.02Question: How should we introduce a new person to the study of Kabbalah together with the whole group?

Answer: Gradually. After all, we are talking about wisdom that is above our nature. It talks about everything in a completely different way in different terms, qualities, and forces. You need to get used to it gradually. We are trying to adapt the Kabbalistic methodology to our world, but it is not easy.

It is impossible to bring the upper world down to ours. There is a clear hierarchy of degrees and division by qualities, that is, by understanding. I cannot feel the upper world because now I am in different qualities from it. I do not see it, do not notice it, and do not feel it because I do not have these qualities. Therefore, I do not catch it in my network of sensations and understandings; I am not adapted to it.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is built on bringing a person slowly to this and allowing him to change his qualities gradually. But this happens only in the group. If you need to create qualities of connection with others, then the group is the place where you can do it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Enter a Kabbalistic Group?” 12/12/12

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