Perception of The Book of Zohar

65Question: Why don’t you give as many explanations while reading The Book of Zohar as when studying TES?

Answer: Because The Book of Zohar is not perceived by us at all. Baal HaSulam made some connection between us and it through his scientific Kabbalistic explanations. And the rest of the original texts of The Zohar are not Kabbalistic but descriptive, semi-cryptic, and therefore, difficult for us.

But on the other hand, it is very easy, because reading it, you feel that this does not apply to you at all, and it therefore seems to be easy to build the right intention. However, it is necessary to somehow get attached to the text, so Baal HaSulam made additions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Zohar or TES?” 11/3/12

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