Questions about Spiritual Work—142

281.02Question: When you join the ten, what ways can you open your heart to your friends and in what areas should you always be reserved?

Answer: One should keep one’s personal feelings in humility.

Question: If the friends do not share their inner feelings but mostly make efforts, how does the building of a connection, a common Kli, take place?

Answer: The friends gradually begin to feel each other, i.e., their place and spiritual work.

Question: If there is a big difference between internal and external work on the love of friends, how do we combine all this?

Answer: Do not get confused and solve the problem, you will see how the Creator solves it from above.

Question: It happens that one friend wants to implement the principle of “make yourself a Rav” about another. How do we start implementing this principle in the ten?

Answer: You just need to exalt your friend, how great he is, and how different he is from others. In this way, you make yourself a Rav.

Question: Is it possible to ask the Creator to convey the feelings that you experienced to the friends, for example, at the congress?

Answer: Ask, you can ask for it.

Question: How can we keep humility in the ten? What is worth talking about, and what is not worth talking about?

Answer: You can talk about humility without any restrictions.
From the 1st part od tje  Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/15/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 33

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