Is It Worth Making Predictions for the Future?

214Question: When we in the ten become a single desire, do we attract other people or is there a rejection effect here?

Answer: Neither one nor the other. The fact is that we are not in a normal state. Everything we are doing is new; Kabbalists have never acted like this. They developed individually.

According to Baal HaSulam, when we reach the level of the last generation, then, based on what all Kabbalists have written at least for the last few centuries, we must create tens or a large group, and begin disseminating to all of humanity. Therefore, sometimes I cannot give you an exact answer to the question posed.

Kabbalah is a very practical science. What we are doing is what we see. So it is written: “A judge has only what his eyes see.” Only based on what we can explore, see, and record, it becomes clear to us that this is how it should be.

I do not know how future events in the world will happen. I can only guess and sometimes write about it. But in general, I try not to make predictions because in reality nothing is known for sure.

We must act according to the same principle of drawing closer to each other and to the Creator, and the result at each stage can sometimes be different. This is a natural phenomenon in nature. But it is always for the better even if it feels undesirable to us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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Through Coming Closer to Each Other
To The Force Of Attraction Called The Creator
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