Friends Are an Integral Force

938.01Question: How can I annul before my friends?

Answer: Try your best. Please them, serve them, smile, try to do everything you can.

Question: And how can you annul yourself in relation to the Creator?

Answer: There is no way. Only by annulling yourself before your friends will you begin to feel the special integral force that they all represent together. You will call it the Creator.

Question: Should I combine the annulment in front of the friends and the Creator together? Is this the integral force?

Answer: You do not have to fantasize about anything. The friends are in front of you. You can really, seriously engage in annulling yourself in front of them.

And as for the Creator, you do not have a job yet. It will appear only when the friends shape into one single whole in your feeling.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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Annul before Your Friends
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