Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Attack

939.01Question: When you asked the question what we were lacking, a friend in the ten said that we are lacking audacity and decisiveness. It seemed to me that this could really be added. Should we think about this and press on this pedal?

Answer: I once gave such an example. We were sitting at Rabash in the Sukkah and everyone was in very good state. I asked Rabash: “What is preventing us from making a breakthrough now?”

He replied: “An attack! There must be an attack now!” But the attack is not about us jumping and shouting. It is an internal attack! It is inside oneself and in relation to your friends.

We were unable to carry out this attack then. I spoke with him about this topic later.

Moreover, there is a time when this can be done, when there is an appropriate moment for it, the so-called awakening from above. We have it now. I hope that we do not miss this opportunity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/20, “The Ten”

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