Creating Pressure in the Ten

631.4Question: What does it mean to create pressure in the ten?

Answer: We need to create such tension between us that it pushes us out of this world, out of egoism, out of shattering, out of the distances between us. It should compress us together, and we should find a state where we are connected.

As soon as we touch this state, we will immediately feel the Creator within it.

Question: How can these groups that are far from us help create pressure on us? After all, we are here, and they are there.

Answer: What do you mean by these groups? We are all participating together in the spiritual process! It is a great armada. But most important is to set the direction and the overall tension toward universal connection.

We must create such an effort, such cohesion within ourselves, that everyone can participate. That depends on us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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