Correction Is Changing the Intention

255Question: What does it mean to let the Creator work on me?

Answer: To avoid such questions, you must understand the language of Kabbalah. The absolute, positive, and only existing force of creation is called the Creator.

Besides this force, there are small negative forces specially created by the Creator, which include us. We are made this way solely to attain the positive state, the Creator, from our negative state.

The Creator is a constant positive force. There are no changes in Him. When we say that the Creator nears or distances from a person, does something, or creates something—none of this is true. This force does not change or it would not be perfect.

Apart from it, an evil force called Adam was brought into existence; it is opposite to the Creator and must do everything possible to become equal to Him, to resemble Him. Precisely because the force of creation is evil, it can perceive the Creator as opposite to itself.

But it cannot change its nature on its own. The only thing it can do is receive the opposite, positive force from the Creator and sort of dress it on itself as its intention. In doing so, it remains egoistic, receiving, unable to change anything within itself. However, if it receives the intention to bestow from the Creator, it can work in receiving for His sake. That is what must happen to us. That is what we strive for.

Then we will become similar to the Creator. But similarity lies not in the action itself since we cannot emanate or bestow something from ourselves. We can only receive, but we can do it to bestow.

In other words, if we stand before the Creator and He wants to bestow to us, we need to add only the intention to bestow to our quality of receiving so we receive for His sake. Then we become similar to Him, equivalent, because in spirituality, not the action itself matters, but its meaning.

Receiving the intention to bestow is our correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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