The Connection of the Ten with Ten Sefirot

235Question: How is the concept of “ten” related to the Ten Sefirot? Can this information be used for internal clarifications?

Answer: If you have trouble connecting the spiritual ten with the physical ten, imagine each of us is a desire, ten separate egoistic desires that when interconnected allow you to build one complete altruistic intention.

We study the four stages of direct light: zero, one, two, three, and four. There are only five stages. But, as a rule, we talk about four because the zero stage does not count—it is the source.

The five stages of light are transformed into ten Sefirot because one of these Sefirot, Tifferet, consists, in turn, of six parts.

The path from light to desire goes exactly along ten parts. It cannot be less or more. Rabash writes about this in some of his articles, and Baal HaSulam in the book Study of the Ten Sefirot.

From light to the desire, which the light creates, there must be ten stages where the highest stage is the light itself and the lowest stage is the desire itself. Thus, the light as it gradually descends from above creates a desire within itself.

And then the opposite occurs where the desire begins to gradually become like the light. It turns out that the ten Sefirot of direct light occur when the light builds desire from Keter to Malchut and the reverse when Malchut wishes to resemble the light from Malchut to Keter.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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The Ten—A System Of Ten Sefirot
The Ten Sefirot – The Foundation Of The Creation
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