A Special Relationship

942Question: Congress is a state where we can really feel each friend, his spark and charge. What is missing in this state to feel it as ten Sefirot, as direct and reflected light?

Answer: Direct and reflected light express only the relationship between us.

As soon as a relationship of “I am to a friend and he is to me” arises between us and so between everyone in the ten, we immediately form a state where we feel bestowal from us toward the Creator and from the Creator toward us.

Then we enter a completely different level of creation and begin to understand what is happening in this world and in the upper world. This world will become an upper world. We will begin to feel that everything works differently there.

It should happen. From the way I speak, I can see how easily I can convey information to you. This is a sign that you are ready. So go ahead.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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