Where Can We Get Fuel for Bestowal?

275However, we should know that one cannot achieve this on his own. Rather, it is said about that (Kidushin, 30), “Man’s inclination overcomes him each day and seeks to kill him” (Rabash, Article 16, 1984, “Concerning Bestowal”).

Question: Where can I get the energy to act for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: Ask the Creator. If the Creator wants you to have such an opportunity, He will give it to you.

Question: Why is it so arranged that I have to ask the Creator for fuel for the action of bestowal? After all, the Creator wants a person to be independent and free. Why can’t I reach this state myself?

Answer: Because you should feel what you get, what it gives you, what you achieve.

The Creator wants us not to be just independent, but independent in our egoism; otherwise, He would have created us differently. We are created to think only of ourselves. For example, when you think about someone else, you involuntarily begin to feel that you are thinking about yourself. This desire to think about ourselves and not about others is our nature, egoism. Therefore, we must come closer to the Creator and try to bring Him contentment by thinking about Him.

Question: Is it possible to bring contentment to the Creator directly without bringing contentment to the other?

Answer: The Creator is also the other.

Question: Does it mean that doing something for the sake of the other or for the sake of the Creator is the same thing?

Answer: It is not exactly the same thing. The difference is in scale. This is not easy, but in principle, it lies within the same boundaries.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 3/28/24

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