When Can the Bitter Truth Be Spoken?

963.4Question: There is an Arabic proverb: “Before telling someone the bitter truth, anoint the tip of your tongue with honey.”

Should you tell a person the bitter truth or not? It is said: “Before telling a person the bitter truth.” Should we or not?

Answer: We must calculate whether this truth, although bitter, is necessary for him. If it is truly necessary.

Question: This is quite a task you are asking of us: to think of another at this moment?

Answer: Of course. The one who tells the bitter truth to another must experience this bitter truth on himself although it does not apply to him.

Question: So he should walk in his shoes, as they say, then he can tell the bitter truth?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And if not, if he did not test it on himself?

Answer: If he has not tested what he wants to tell the other, where he wants to lead the other with his statement, then it is better not to say it.

Question: So, who is this bitter truth for?

Answer: This is a bitter truth for another.

Question: But tested on the one who says it?

Answer: If it is tested on him, then he can speak.

Question: What does it mean if we go according to this Arabic proverb, “You must first anoint the tip of your tongue with honey?”

Answer: So that it is clothed in something sweet and comforts a person, in hope, in faith, and perhaps in some benefit.

Comment: That is, you cannot throw it at him…

My Response: No! You should not say anything bad at all.

Comment: You are in favor of a medicine that…

My Response: That heals.

Question: And that may be covered in some sweet syrup or some sweet wrapper?

Answer: Yes, maybe.

Question: Have you told the bitter truth to any person or to people in general? You do know it. Do you tell the truth?

Answer: No.

Question: Why not?

Answer: What for? This can be said to a person only when he has the strength, the ability to understand, realize, accept, and solve this problem in himself. And if he does not have such training, why tell him?

Question: So, you think that man or humanity is not yet ready for the bitter truth?

Answer: It is not ready! Whatever wrapper you use, it is not ready.

Question: When will we be ready to hear the bitter truth?

Answer: I do not know.

Question: But should we? One way or another, will we have to go through this stage?

Answer: I do not think we need to say anything. We need to act in such a way that the Creator tells people all this.

Question: So our task is to bring the Creator to people?

Answer: Yes.

Question: To do so, do we have to attain the bitter truth ourselves or not?

Answer: Of course! Or you will not pray for the Creator to do it.

Question: For Him to come to the people?

Answer: Right.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/4/24

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