The Mind in Service of Desires

198Question: How does the mind accept a different perception of reality? You often say that mind is harmful. But on the other hand, it helps.

Answer: The mind serves desires. If desires are aimed at striving toward the goal of creation, toward balance with nature, with the Creator, then this mind is beneficial. It should be activated, developed, stimulated.

But if the mind is directed toward harming others, then of course it needs to be somehow tamed because it leads us backward.

That is, if a person is overwhelmed by any animalistic passions, it does not matter. The main thing is for the mind, which belongs to the human level, to be directed toward achieving unity with creatures and merging with nature, with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World as We don’t Know it” 1/12/12

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Mind, Desire, and Intention
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