Silence Is a Very Loud Thing

565.01Comment: It is interesting that in Japan, instead of “I love you,” they sometimes say, “You are my silence.”

My Response: Beautiful

Question: How would you comment on that?

Answer: It is clear that they appreciate silence, and that is why they say it that way.

Question: Do you also appreciate silence?

Answer: Yes.

Question: To sit like this and be silent, is that it?

Answer: I can be in silence for eternity.

Question: There are a lot of comments on your videos that it is better to remain silent. Silence is golden, as it is said. And so people ask, “When to keep silent, when to speak?”

Answer: Always keep silent!

Question: But before that, we agree that we will remain silent?

Answer: There is no need to agree, just react that way.

Question: And is this how this chain will continue, you start and then?

Answer: Yes, and everyone will gradually understand that.

Question: Will the state that it is good to be silent come?

Answer: Yes, silence is loud and filled with a great amount of information.

Question: And is that why there is no need for unnecessary information?

Answer: There is no need for unnecessary movement or words.

Question: But what about the good words we express?

Answer: It is all empty.

Question: What about saying “I love you,” for example?

Answer: That is because a woman wants it.

Question: And can the same thing be said silently?

Answer: I would not say anything, but say it if necessary.

Question: “They love with their ears,” they say. Is this correct in your opinion?

Answer: Of course.

Question: So should it be said to a woman?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/24

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Silence Preferred
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