Questions about Spiritual Work—128

560Question: The more I immerse in the primary sources, the more I realize I am a quality or a detail set for general correction. How can I stop being afraid that the Creator will tell me I am not qualified?

Answer: He will not say that. While a person works, while a person wants to rise even closer to the Creator, the Creator does not throw him off.

Question: It is said that the Creator made Him feared. I disagree with that. I feel He is waiting for us to fill the emptiness with love, benevolence, and gratitude for being here, right?

Answer: Yes, this is not the fear of this world, but awe.

Question: Is faith above reason built by our mind, or is it an action against what the mind shows?

Answer: Faith above reason means that in your appeal or your imagination, bestowal, love, and connection are higher than their opposite properties.

Question: You said that there are sins, big and small. Does a sin that cannot be corrected exist?

Answer: There may be sins that cannot be corrected. But I cannot even imagine what kind of sins they might be because the Creator can do everything.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Pomegranate”

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