Only Unity Will Save the World

183.03If the total ruin that they are destined to bring upon the world is still not evident to the world, they can wait for a third world war, or a fourth one. The bombs will do their thing (Baal HaSulam, The Writings of the Last Generation).

Question: The current situation in the world is such that Baal HaSulam’s words about third and fourth World Wars sound especially relevant. What should people hear every day to move away from this state?

Answer: In the words of Baal HaSulam, people should see precise instructions for the desired actions that will reveal the secret of creation to them, and then everything will be settled. We are working in this direction.

Question: Baal HaSulam writes that everyone should take only what is necessary for existence, and direct the rest of their efforts to benefit their neighbor and the Creator. How can those who want to use nuclear weapons today suddenly change and begin to take care of the welfare of their neighbor?

Answer: This will come to a person from above, “they will turn their swords into plowshares.” All this will come, but not in the way we think. The Creator will put other thoughts into a person’s head, and people will start acting that way. So much so that if you tell the person, “You thought differently yesterday,” they will not believe you.

Question: What kind of understanding should be conveyed to the public every day?

Answer: After consulting each other, we must test our conclusions on some group and then bring this knowledge to the world so that people do not reject what we present to them.

We must give them an understanding that our evil nature, egoism, pushes us away from each other and is the cause of all our suffering. That is the first one.

Second, we cannot correct egoism through any political, economic, or other decisions, but only with the help of our connection and the desire to reveal this point within ourselves that unites everyone with the others.

In this form, we will begin to get closer to each other, and to this extent, we will feel how drawing closer saves us and lifts us above all nature.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Writings of the Last Generation”

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