One One Hundred Twenty Fifth Part of the Creator

929We wish to reach a true and serious connection. Therefore, we are working through all the conditions to feel the collective effort, leap, and internal pressure, the necessity for complete connection within which the Creator will appear.

The Creator is an absolute force, perfection. However, it weakens when this perfection descends to us through the entire system of worlds. Passing through 125 degrees becomes very tenuous, but we have yet to reach it from below upward.

We need to establish contact with this tenuous condition of perfection above us, connect with it, and become like it.

In other words, the connection between us should be similar to this small quality of the Creator—1/125th part of His state. That is what we must achieve.

I hope we will put in all our efforts to come together in one leap “as one man with one heart.”
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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125 Degrees
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125 Attainments Of Perfection

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