Harmonious Symphony of the Universe

232.01Question: Is spiritual pleasure not a form of longing or psychological pressure that you want to escape from, but the same kind of pleasure we get from something in everyday life?

Answer: It is the pleasure of unity with the entire universe. We are designed in such a way that a person feels the perfection of all creation in this state. This sense of perfection is the highest fulfillment, the highest pleasure!

Question: Is it not comparable to our earthly pleasures?

Answer: Not at all! Absolutely incomparable! Nothing else can replace it. It is our highest, greatest, and strongest desire, and it is filled with eternity, perfection, and harmony. You feel the interconnectedness of all opposing elements and how they complement each other and resonate.

This infinite, harmonious symphony fills you so completely that you almost have just enough capacity to think a little only to understand how vast and perfect it is.

Question: Do you perceive this even while sleeping?

Answer: Sometimes.

Comment: It is interesting to live in such a world.

My Response: Do not think that living in such a world means being in a constant state of nirvana. It is a world that you must constantly maintain within you, rise up, analyze, and elevate yourself. It is not an easy world, no. But, of course, it is an amazing pleasure from being connected with perfection.

Question: What is the result of all this?

Answer: The result is that you begin to feel your responsibility to everyone, the need to diligently study the wisdom of Kabbalah and do everything possible to ensure that everyone achieves this state! You cannot enjoy yourself if others are not enjoying it. You must descend to them and do something so that they can taste at least a small spoonful of this pleasure!
From KabTV’s “I got a call. Infinite bliss“ 3/7/10

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Spiritual Pleasure
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Infinite Pleasure Is Right In Front Of You (Advanced)

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