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Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 5

Wisdom of Open Hearts

Europe is the first example of what the entire world might run into. South America is entering the north, a similar influx of the Islamic world will occur. We will see how these waves roll everywhere. And now before us is just the beginning.

Question: Does it mean that the situation with refugees in Europe is irreversible?

Answer: Yes, it will only get worse. Nobody will stand up and say: “No.” Eventually, Europeans will feel it on their own skin. They will realize that it is impossible to continue living as they do now and that they must change their nature. Only then will the Europeans stop suffering and will have to relate to refugees and other foreigners as to their close relatives. Everybody will be together; the entire world will become as one family.

Nature dictates this; his attitude will be the only possible way of treating others. Only then, will people be worthy of correction. And the peoples of the world will realize that correction is associated with the people of Israel [1] and that correction is hidden in the wisdom of Kabbalah, [2] the science of unity that waited for thousands of years for the Europeans to help them become open to all, open to the whole world.

By acting so, not only people will live better lives, but also they will get rid of pressure and slightly open the boundaries of this world. It is said in The Book of Zohar: “Open your heart and I will open the worlds to you.”

Question: There is nothing more surreal than letting strangers into our houses and hearts, treating them as dear and beloved friends. And there is nothing more disgusting than that picture. Will it truly happen?

Answer: All these events are arranged to overturn our nature and bring us to a state where life seems worse than death.

Question: Does it mean that we are facing a period of darkness?

Answer: Anyone who goes through a crisis [3] considers it terrible. But there is a medication that can prevent the disease and explain the reasons and the essence of the current events. Nature deliberately arranges conditions that might lead us to unity in the world and makes us feel as if we are one family.

It is possible. It is easy. We have a methodology that stems from the very depth of nature. The wisdom of Kabbalah was given to us in ancient Babylon, when humanity first experienced a similar situation.

At that time, people refused to accept this wisdom. Only a small group of people carried it from Babylon to these days. Let’s take advantage of the wisdom now, thus ending afflictions, strife, and wars.

Then, we’ll sense the future reality right here in this world—the “Garden of Eden,” eternal and perfect life.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/27/15

Related Material:
Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 4 [4]
Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 3 [5]
Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 2 [6]