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At The Bottom Of An Upside Down Pyramid

The uncertainty regarding the future is becoming increasingly more prominent in our world. We have developed the most advanced technologies, psychological methods of changing people and society, and tools for managing and confusing the masses, yet with science [1] and all the knowledge of how to manage people, we don’t control ourselves.

After all, we never know what the next day will be, and this is our main problem—man doesn’t control his future and not even the near future, the next moment.

Perhaps we don’t feel the need for this control so much because we have already gotten used to living from one day to the next not knowing what that day may be, but it is actually a great tragedy. After all, if we knew for sure and were certain about how to relate to our future, it could save us all the mistakes we make regarding ourselves and nature [2]. It would raise us to the next level of our evolution.

The question is whether we are capable of it. After all, knowing the future means being certain about life and death, about the way we should educate our children [3], about what profession we should choose and the family we should create. Knowing the future will enable me to know whether I should get out of bed today or not.

Feeling and foreseeing the future could save us a lot of trouble. We wouldn’t be involved in endless futile and even harmful actions. On the contrary, we would dedicate our time to something useful.

This means that our only problem is regarding the future. We are miserable because we don’t know how to approach this issue. Despite a person’s desire to know the future, subconsciously he holds on to the current moment like an animal. The incompatibility between the feeling that I want to understand and that I cannot humiliates a person and turns him into an even more miserable creature than a simple animal.

A simple animal lives and dies when the time comes. It doesn’t think about life or death, acting instinctively. Simple people also relate to life that way and don’t ask about the future or self-fulfillment. But a person who rises a bit above his daily routine and begins to think about his fate, make plans, and has expectations for the future sees that it is all beyond his control.

Many things a person engages in are about the aspiration of revealing the future a little, of predicting certain phenomena, at least the weather. Psychology, philosophy, economics, and political economics deal with this issue. But eventually all the economic predictions and the infinite graphs are far from reality.

Many unexpected factors suddenly come up: wars and relations between states and people that were impossible to predict in advance. Human history, the basis on which we seem to grow wiser and gain experience, doesn’t help us in any way when it comes to the future. This is even more frustrating and makes the future seem dark and unknown.

We gradually understand how small and miserable we are. Advanced nanotechnologies offer us unprecedented opportunities and the ability to create molecules of everything including food. At the same time, this control is given to us only according to what we already have. The question about the future remains in the dark: Why and for what reason? Even if we can extend our life by 200 or 500 years, our future will remain just as scary as it is today.

When we were kids we used to ask: What is life and death? What is today and tomorrow? But when we grow up we forget these questions; we give them up because of our hormones, studies, and career. It makes no difference how long our life is. The fact that there is something uncertain about it and that the next moment cannot be predicted nullifies my human essence.

This is how we discover that there is a force that is beyond the human force that manages us, human society, and our evolution. Of course we don’t make our own history, as people like to say. There is a program of human evolution that spins more more intensively second by second compared to the evolution of the inanimate, vegetative, and animal nature.

With regard to this plan of evolution, we are as dominated as animals. We simply fulfill all the thoughts and desires that emerge in us at any given moment. We discover them in us according to some upper plan that we are obliged to fulfill.

It turns out that there is some hidden plan in nature that operates on the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and also on all of humanity. At the same time, the plan regarding man is different from the plan that operates on the other parts of nature, and as a result of our evolution, we arrive at the question: “What are we living for?” And animals have no such question.

The question: “What is the point of our life?” is troubling us more and more. I think that this question is already the major question of human society and subconsciously constantly occupies a person with the hope of finding out what he lives for. Or at least a person tries to erase this question from his sight to ignore it and keep on living as he did the day before and perhaps even tomorrow without thinking and torturing his life with the fact that he has no answer.

Our evolution, especially in the last few years, is meant to clarify this question. Humanity is increasingly more attracted to it, and if he doesn’t, man will gradually deteriorate and antidepressants and drugs will become more common, families will continue to break-up, people will lose hope regarding the future and will not want to have children. If there is no clear answer about what tomorrow will be; today isn’t worth anything either! This is the reason that a person will try to spend the day suffering as little as possible, which means that he will take a pill, fall asleep, and end his life that way.

This means that the question about the meaning of life is awakening increasingly more widely among people and demands an answer. After all, in the 70’s, about 50 years ago, humanity developed to such a level that it could theoretically provide all of the individual’s needs. A person could have stopped worrying about his daily bread. If there was a shortage of food somewhere, it was because of the lack of organization. In fact, humanity produces enough food to feed the whole world.

Never in history has this been the case. People always lived like animals, constantly worrying about tomorrow’s bread. If there is a food shortage anywhere today, it is only because we lack the organization, mutual help, and right connections between us. We can actually provide all of a person’s needs, but it is actually in the most developed countries that we see the greatest problems related to people’s lack of desire to be developed.

Everything is in decline: our culture, education, science; there is no renovation in any area. There is no aspiration forward, no motivation. The young generation is a truly miserable generation. After all, we don’t need to fight in order to survive and provide the needs for our corporeal body, but at the same time, we cannot give the human part in us the answer about what the future holds and what we are living for. As a result, the corporeal body isn’t hungry, but the human part has no answer to his question and will not have one. Consequently we descend to the animal level and live somehow. People don’t want to study or work and settle for a small allowance in order to survive.

This trend affects modern culture and modern education. Therefore, if we ask ourselves about man’s place in nature, it seems worse and more miserable than that of the still and vegetative nature and the animals. Man is on the lowest level of all as a result of our evolution.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 2/23/14

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