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Communism: Utopia Or Reality, Part 11

Question: In the article, “The Last Generation [1],” Baal HaSulam wrote that one way or another humanity would come to a communistic society. What kind of communism was he talking about?

Answer: This would be a society in which a person is not living to make a profit. People would be educated so that they will have no need to take from society more than is needed for existence. One would not be concerned about one’s self because the society takes all of his or her concerns upon itself.

One’s work, first and foremost, is the desire to be properly connected with everyone else and to create the same benefits and the same good company that are imperative for society to supply a person’s necessities. All of this is solved together with education [2], which acts in parallel with changes in society, neither earlier nor later.

However, the main thing is that a person reaches a state of mutual connection with others where he or she doesn’t feel any difference between him or herself and others. He is so connected with them, that, for him, “I” and “we” merge completely. The ego [3] that separates us disappears, and each one begins to feel others as himself.

A person begins to feel everything that happens on the level of the still, vegetative, and animate, and all the people of our world as his personal body. This gives him a sensation of infinity, lack of boundaries, and a common existence.

Thanks to this development of our sensors, we begin to feel the world as a whole, infinite in time, movement, and space. This is the upper world in which the person exists, and in the meantime none of us can be called this because, on his own, he is a highly organized and uncorrected beast.

So, we must have an established system of education that is comprehensive and worldwide. The role of the person is to attract the positive force into our negative world so that, on the basis of the two forces, he can begin to ascend and feel an absolutely different creation, another world. Baal HaSulam said that, sooner or later, we will reach precisely such a just and happy society.

To be continued.
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 5/11/15

Related Material:
Communism: Utopia Or Reality, Part 10 [4]
Communism: Utopia Or Reality, Part 9 [5]
Communism: Utopia Or Reality, Part 8 [6]