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Tu B’Av – Love That Transcends Hatred

Dear beloved friends, children and grandchildren!

I welcome all of you to the holiday of Tu B’Av! Tu B’Av is a special holiday that symbolizes love [1], relationships built above hatred, above the destruction of the Temple [2], which was destroyed because of personal and mutual hatred between us. We correct it when we rise above it and thus attain the great love, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18).

This is a special feeling of connection between us [3] called true love, which elevates us to the level of eternity, wholeness, and infinite expansion of our feelings and thoughts. We begin to feel that we exist eternally, fully in every feeling, in all information, everything, that all other people relate to him only with love. Imagine the feeling that everyone loves you; everyone looks at you and relates to you as their little child! We need to give each one of us this feeling.

This is what Tu B’Av symbolizes, built specifically above the hatred among us that we discover between us today. Let’s hasten its discovery!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 8/11/16

Related Material:
The Day Of Love [4]
Happy Holiday Of Love! [5]
Is There Love In Our World? [6]