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The Kabbalists’ Time Machine

Question: If a Kabbalist today could go back to the past in a time machine and speak with Kabbalists who lived during the time of the Bible, would they be able to understand one another?

Answer: Of course, without a doubt! When I ascend the spiritual levels from the bottom up, I meet all the Kabbalists who have climbed these levels. I become part of these levels and attain what other Kabbalists attained in the past.

I go up the elevator to the first floor and see what happens on that floor. All of the Kabbalists also saw the same thing, starting from Adam HaRishon [1] (First Man) all the way to me. Perhaps each described it according to his own style because he perceived a picture that is a bit different, according to the root of his soul [2], but everyone attained the same thing.

I rise to the second floor, and there I feel what they felt and so on. I must understand them according to the level of the floor I am on, and there is no problem on that level.

I may not understand everything they wrote because they are on a height that I have not yet attained, but when I rise to a certain floor, I attain all the Kabbalists who were on that floor and discover whatever they discovered.
From KabTV’s “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Science” 9/7/15

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