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Dissemination Revives The Person

Question: How should we translate the suffering of the community from the physical level to the spiritual level, meaning to see in everything a lack of Light?

Answer: This happens by itself, for you are found in your own state and the community is found in its state. When you hear them, you perceive this differently anyway, for “all who condemn do so with their own defect” (Kiddushin 70b). So you will understand and feel these problems within your perception [1] and Kelim. You have nothing to fear from identifying with their physical needs.

Even though their pain and complaints are justified, natural, and compulsory, you still feel them according to your understanding and on your level.

Question: Does this mean that I will constantly translate their complaints differently according to my changing states?

Answer: Your state will be changed along with them. You will suddenly begin to condemn the Creator [2] for what He is doing to them; you will discover that you lack the ability to justify Him. Dissemination gives us a wide field of work; it revives and invites many changes in us.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/5/14 [3]

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Society’s Suffering Through The Eyes Of A Righteous [4]
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