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Where Should One Search For A Longevity Drug?

Question: Do you suppose that people should look for a way to extend human life?

Answer: It is not necessary to think about ways to extend our lives since we see that large numbers of people in the world willingly would give up living entirely. Rather, we must think about how to make our lives qualitatively better. Just because of the fact that people fear death does not mean it makes sense to prolong life. It makes sense only if life in our world would take on a positive and qualitative form for all of humanity.

I think that when a person attains the scheme of creation and sees the logic and the wholeness of the entire system, he will not think at all about existence in physical life; this will not interest him. He already exists within the entire system of mutual connections [1], and, when he attains that, his physical, beastly body will stop being important for him or felt by him, and this means that he is dead. He is within the entire system, beyond feeling the beastly life of the physical body, and so the entire physical state disappears, and his physical body is considered as if it were dead.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 5/27/14

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