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“Your Springs Shall Spread Outwards”

Question: I want to ask you a question that has probably been asked many times, when will the Messiah [1] come?

Answer: From a letter of Baal Shem Tov, “Keter Shem Tov”: “When I ascended there it is impossible to tell and to speak even face to face, until I entered the hall of the Messiah where the Messiah studies with all the Tanaim [2] and the righteous and also with seven shepherds. And I asked the Messiah’s mouth, when are you coming?

“And he answered, you shall know when your study becomes famous and revealed throughout the world and your springs shall spread outwards; everything that I have taught you and that you have attained. And they will also be able to perform uniqueness and ascents like you and all the Klipot [3], shells (the ego [4]) will be annihilated and it will be time of Heavenly mercy and redemption.”

Related Material:
Expecting The Messiah [5]
What Do They Expect From A Messiah? [6]
When The Sources Extend Outward [7]