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The Group Of Ten Is The Key To Feeling The Upper World

Question: Can a person who takes part in the work of a physical group of ten be in a virtual group of ten at the same time? Answer: Of course, if he has the time because in principle it does not matter in what kind of group of ten you are. When I sit among […]

The Whole Convention Is One Group Of Ten

There cannot be any difference between us during the convention: the young group, the old group, or an individual that studies virtually by himself. A convention is a special state so we have to break all the barriers between us—the boundaries of the groups of ten and other forms of barriers—and become one whole group. […]

The Difficult Lessons Of The Creator

Question: A person who begins to study the integral method goes through difficult states since his ego receives blows. If these states are necessary, why does it happen this way? Answer: You cannot leave the ego or leave Pharaoh if you don’t feel the blows. This is why we say that Pharaoh brings the children […]

Breakthrough From Virtual To Spiritual

Question: “I, the group, the world.” As long as this picture exists in our imagination, the world endures much, exactly as you said many years ago. But of course, this shouldn’t make us happy. It’s necessary to help people, to support them, especially in our European Convention… Answer: I agree absolutely. First of all, we […]

Who Smoothes Conflicts In The Group?

Question: What is the most critical point in the group work when friends’ egoism breaks out in the group? Answer: I think that here women should go to the forefront. When there are serious problems between men, women should somehow subtly try to smooth the conflict, to indicate, as a mother to a child, that all this […]

The Light Of Hassadim In The Group

Question: What is the Light of Hassadim in the group? Answer: The Light of Hassadim in the group is when everyone is included in the others and does not require anything for himself but to be included in the others: forgetting about himself, getting out of himself, and falling into the others. [101677] From the […]

The Women’s Group Is Beyond Hierarchies

Question: Due to recent changes (from the women’s convention), a big importance of women’s unity has emerged. There are women who are more active and less active in our group. For the active women, we organize certain activities and separate workshops, thereby creating a few circles in the women’s community. As a result, there are […]

Humanity Is One Group

Question: Is it possible to perceive humanity and society as a group once you begin to gradually feel spirituality? Answer: On the whole, that’s the way it should be. In the future this is what will happen. When we speak about global humanity, about its integrality, we mean that it is one integral whole. Only […]

Wired And Wireless Communication With The Group

Question: When I exit the group and go out into the world, I find it hard to manage correctly at work in order to maintain a balance. How should I work with myself when I am in the external environment? Answer: We are under the terrible influence of the huge external human environment. In it […]

The Way Of The World Group

Question: Which way is our world group going? How can we connect the internal work, unity, and what is expected in the Novosibirsk convention? How do we see our future way? Answer: We deal with internal unity as if there is no external world and there is only us, the world group alone, and we […]