Entries in the 'Suffering' Category

Why Do We Get Problems?

Why Do We Get Problems?Question: Suppose a person lost a wallet with money. And suddenly it occurs to him that this happened because he didn’t come to the lesson or did something wrong. How can we explain it?

Answer: We don’t. It’s foolish! Do not ever draw such conclusions or connect these things together. Later you will see how wrong you were. And most importantly, it limits you and starts imparting unnecessary clues and connections.

Question: Why are such problems sent to me?

Answer: Because you are an egoist. First and foremost, you have to establish your connection with the friends in the group, and through them draw the upper Light of goodness that will correct you. Then you will not lose wallets if it’s unnecessary. And if it’s necessary, you will.

Question: Does it mean that I can sit in a ten from morning till night and lose a wallet every day? And there’s no use trying to understand what the reason was?

Answer: It’s not that there is no use doing it. It’s forbidden! You will not discover causes and consequences before you fully reveal the whole system anyway.

Question: But does the “cure” still come through a ten? Can I tell myself that if I have any problems, it means that I do not invest enough in the love of friends?

Answer: In any case you hit the mark in a ten!
From KabTV’s Lesson in Russian 12/11/16

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Not A Step, But Head Over Heels
When Will Our Problems Come To An End?
Your Personal Problem Is Everyone’s Problem

Planetary Tsunami

Dr. Michael LaitmanAny Disaster is Israel’s Misdoing

Question: Some people are happy that Europe is now overwhelmed with Muslim refugees. They think that Europe deserves it. What is your attitude toward it?

Answer: One shouldn’t gloat other’s afflictions. Besides, any troubles will eventually be turned against us.

It somehow happens that any suffering in this world is blamed on us and only us, and the same will inevitably apply to the current refugee crisis. Only we will be blamed for it. Africans, Asians and Europeans will approach us and say, “You are guilty of causing our disasters. This is how we feel.”

Current world events are just a preparation to attack Israel. It doesn’t matter where events take place and who is involved in them. A storm of disasters, a sense of bitterness, despair, and helplessness are around the corner. They will hit us very soon unless we prepare a remedy against the disease.

Cards on the Table

Kabbalists warn us that we have to be ahead of the upcoming paroxysm. We must notify humanity, lay our cards on the table, and together turn into one man with one heart.

There is no alternative; it comes from nature, the upper force. And there is a methodology that can improve our relationship that exists with nature. It is called the science of unity, the wisdom of Kabbalah. We should implement it in life and take advantage of it to everybody’s benefit.

The whole of humanity is one family, descendants of ancient Babylonians. Let’s act together, otherwise things will get worse while we continue gobbling each other up.

It’s impossible to do nothing and just watch others suffer. We have to take responsibility, if only because there is no chance for us to avoid it.

The overall interdependence is obvious today. We can’t get rid of our common nature, even if we were to attempt to hide somewhere on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. Very soon, the waves of a devastating tsunami would hit the entire planet.

Welcome to Africa?

In addition, we don’t take into account potential natural disasters and financial catastrophes. And yet, they can affect the entire world and leave us all in the position of living in standards lower than the current Third World countries.

Today, the Third World countries are at least entitled to ask for help and get some assistance from other countries. However, global economic collapse might devalue all monies and there would be no one to turn to.

A family that huddles in a hut together with a goat and a tiny piece of land will somehow survive, but what will a European do without a job and source of income? It is even worse poverty, since westerners will be incapable of anything.

It is written: “I created the evil inclination and the Torah as a spice.”  In the end, planetary tsunamis such as we see today will rid us of the old world, “the evil inclination,” so that we start using “the spice” as the means of correction, thus moving to a new, happier world.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/28/15

Related Material:
The Connection Between Tsunamis And Anti Semitism
Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 2
The Refugee Crisis In Europe

More Religious Wars?

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (elpais.com): “In the Judeo-Christian traditional imagery is chronicled the murder of Abel by Cain. …  From the moment Cain killed Abel, violence has become an inseparable part of human history. …

“The obvious question is whether religions are the source of violence or the way to peace. Is violence actually embedded in monotheistic religions? …When we thought religious wars were phenomena of the past, they have resurfaced particularly harshly and radically… carrying black flags and destroying everything in their path, from human life to cultural symbols that are the heritage to humanity. …

“In the absence of rational arguments to justify these wars, they rely on God and in His name, they aggressively kill others, thus making God Himself a murderer. The philosopher Martin Buber said: ‘”God” is the word most vilified of all human words. None has been so tarnished, so manipulated…Human generations, with their religious partisanship, have torn the word.  They have killed and are willing to die for it. This word carries fingerprints and blood. People draw a stick figure below and write the word “God.” They murder each other and say, “we do this in the name of God.”‘”

My Comment: Indeed, religions do indeed only divides, separate, and incite us against one another. Because all the religions in the world are based on human nature: egoism.

And only the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches a person how to ascend above his egoism and reach unity to reveal the upper world inside us. This is the next level of our existence. In this, Kabbalah differs from Judaism and other religions. We have to reveal to the world, the way of ascending to the next level of our evolution as soon as possible, not along the path of suffering, but along the path of path of connection and unity.

Related Material:
The Truth About the Three Religions of the World, Part 2
Religion Is A System Of Relations With The Creator
The Foundation Of All Religions

In The Shadow Of The Asteroid Cloud

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is the impression created that Adam HaRishon (the first man) Adam was much more advanced than we are because he felt the upper force we don’t feel?

Answer: There is no doubt about it! Spiritual development doesn’t proceed parallel to physical development. On the contrary, the first Kabbalists were much closer to the upper force and the upper worlds than we are. If we now had the luck to meet with our father Abraham, it would be possible to ask him many questions. In the spiritual sense, a constant decline happens more and more with each generation. And accordingly, our ego and technological advancement, along with financial and economic development, have grown more and more..

Ultimately we have reached maximal technological advancement and minimal spiritual development in this world. And so the global crisis develops and breaks out, which is moving and felt all over the world in our time. It is possible to solve this crisis only through the revelation of the wisdom of Kabbalah to all of humanity. If all of us are united, we will reach discovery of the upper force and this world will ascend to the height of the upper worlds.

Question: We scarcely make any money to live in this world, but you want us to be involved with higher worlds?

Answer: The present crisis is only the beginning. Terrible blows are expected for the world. I don’t want to scare you, but unfortunately that is how it is. We already see clear symptoms now of a future Holocaust all over the world that nobody can stop.

The idea is that the world is becoming round. The higher spiritual forces are approaching our world like an asteroid cloud or a comet. The higher forces that are linked in a single network compress in an increasingly dense ring around our world, which is not connected into a single network. Rather, everything is divided, separate, crushed and torn apart by internal struggles. Our world and the network of higher forces that are approaching it are in opposition and contradiction with each other, so very unpleasant and negative phenomena are revealed in our world. They will grow more and more until we begin to connect and unite to be more and more adjusted to the one and only integral force. Only in this manner can we be saved.

Question: Are all the problems of the modern world sent to us as a punishment?

Answer: There are no punishments! It is only people who perceive what is happening in this way. In fact the law of nature is simply acting on us. More and worsening negative forces are awakening within us as we see the ego has grown from generation to generation. But higher spiritual forces are approaching us more and more like a single network. The opposition between these two systems is increasing: On the one hand, there is the evil human ego, and on the other hand, there is a higher network of good forces. Between them appear the potential differences and tension that we endure.

We cannot change the higher network; we need to only correct ourselves and unite. And you shall love your friend as yourself is the great general rule in the Torah. (Yerushalmi Nedarim 30b), which if not for its existence, we wouldn’t survive. The whole world is becoming global and integral, linked like a single small village. And as such, the world demands from humanity an identical good connection between them. But we are not ready to create a connection like this, so we suffer.

Only the wisdom of Kabbalah can bring all of humanity to good and wonderful relations, so it is being revealed in our time. Further, The Book of Zohar, which was written 2,000 years ago, pointed to our time when humanity would reach a state where it would be compelled to use the method of Kabbalah to connect itself and live in happiness. So I wish for a good and sweet year for everyone, meaning a year in which we have a chance to reach the good life.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/6/15

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There Is A Reason To Celebrate And Be Happy
A Happy Union With Nature’s Holiday
The Making Of A Good Year

We Need To Build The New World Together

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (M Delyagin, Ph.D Economy, manager, Institute on World Problems): “In our day the general collapse that we have become accustomed to and the global economic crisis masks the transition of humanity to a qualitatively new state.

“If in the past we have transformed the surrounding world, so now we are transforming our perception of this world. The motivations of society have changed: People are beginning to consciously sacrifice their interests for emotions.  

“The nations have taken a submissive stance in relation to global business Because of the high productivity of Information Technology, a decreasing number of people are required for the production of necessary products.

“The result will be the social elimination of the middle class.

“This eliminates traditional democracy, the market economy, market relations; profit will cease to be used as a substitute for the meaning of life.

“So the West found a temporary solution to remove the ‘excess’ population. But this decision, due to its lack of humanity, could only be temporary.

“We must build a new world together, because the old one has already ended.”

My Comment: We are beginning to understand that we are found in the network of the laws of nature that also manages society and leads it towards a singular new state. Essentially a human is a “desire to fill himself with pleasure,” and he exists for this. This is the law of our egoistic development: Today money buys and manages everything. But this law has already been replaced by another.  

At the end of technological development, in order to supply all human demands, the participation of 2-3% of the society will be required. The result—the elimination of the social middle class. And not just the average and in general all those who are not strong, then the strong and “eat” each other … unless disclosure of the natural law does not lead them to the realization that it is necessary to change society in compliance with it.

Therefore, the West found a temporary solution to the disposal of the “excess” population. But this solution because of its brutality can only be temporary.  It refers to the encouraging people not to marry, family breakdown, the availability of drugs, and so on.

We will together build a new world, because the old has ended. It is important to first understand that it is necessary not to build on the old patterns, but on those nature shows us. It was stated thousands of years ago in the wisdom of Kabbalah and has been waiting for the moment of its implementation.

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The Age Of Adaptation
A Step Forward
The Crisis Is Being Revealed

The Process Of Human Correction Has Begun

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (vesti.ru): “Europe is paying for all the years that it conducted a colonial policy. To combat illegal immigration, France and England are establishing a special coordinating center.

“The experts in this center will be involved with monitoring the illegal immigration of refugees to Europe. In a word, this is called a deluge; rescue from which is not expected in the foreseeable future. Immigrants from the nations of Africa and the Middle East are reaching Europe in a massive stream. The quality and standard of living in Bulgaria or Romania is higher than in Libya, Iraq and Syria.

“Currently, there is a collapse organized by the Western nations, therefore the stream of immigrants to Europe has broken out. There is no solution to the immigration problem under current European conditions. The European Union cannot limit the flood of immigration, neither physically nor legally. What is left is only to build walls, but no wall will stop the immigrants who want and aspire to the good life in Europe. The European Union began its way specifically with the removal of fences and barriers. Has the opposite process now begun?”

My Comment: The reverse process cannot happen. The process of the mixing of the peoples has begun, as in the beginning of the development of our civilization in ancient Babylon. We are returning to the beginning. And we will be obliged to do what they did but did not complete, which was the ancient Jews under the leadership of our father Abraham, the founder all religions, connecting above all the oppositions and differences, as Abraham taught, according to the general rule, “And you shall love your friend as yourself.”

And the correction phase begins from the most egoistic part of humanity, from Europe. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, continuation will come either through the way of suffering with the conquest of Europe by the Muslims, world war, the turning to Israel and the correction of humanity from hatred to love, or, through the way of Torah by accepting the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to rapidly correct the universal ego from collective hatred to love.

Which will they choose?

Related Material:
What Will Happen To Europe?
Europe’s Future Is In Our Hands!
Immigrants Assimilate Europeans

The Crisis Is Being Revealed

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Gerald Celente, interview):  “The global collapse will lead to the printing of more money, but only gold will become a safe asset in the coming collapse. People will look for safe investments in the form of goods when the system will begin to collapse. We will witness riots in Brazil and Venezuela, instability from Mali to Congo, in Central Africa, the Sudan, Somalia, the Middle East and these people will flood Europe. There is no way of stopping this wave. This crisis is multilayered and it will include the economy, geopolitics and will lead to social riots, civil wars and other local confrontations.”

My Comment: Unless we become aware of the mutual connection of the world and begin to accept everyone as one whole in all our actions and in our relationships, we will not be able to manage the situation. All our actions will be divided and destructive. But seeing the world as one whole can only result from becoming familiar with the wisdom of Kabbalah and by  studying the internal structure of the world.

Related Material:
The Global Financial Crisis Has Begun
The Three Experts: Be Prepared For A Crash
Crisis = Danger And Opportunity

A Single Leap To Happiness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: There is a Japanese proverb that says: “Troubles will transform you into a precious stone.” How do you relate to this?

Answer: This is Samurai philosophy and speaks about the way of suffering. I think that we have no need for this at all, since we go our own way. Why do we need to go towards happiness through the way of suffering? We can leap above it immediately, as the Jews very well know.

In the meantime, we haven’t succeeded in doing this because we don’t want to listen to the method that we received thousands of years ago, the wisdom of Kabbalah, but it can lead us to happiness in a single leap.

Comment: But nevertheless, when you had health problems, your teacher said that he was envious of you because he saw this as a sign of advancement.

Answer: Certainly thanks to suffering a person improves because suffering works against the ego that wants pleasure all the time. So another system of study and understanding appeared that was opposed to the ego. But this is not the right way!

Christianity says: “If they slap you on one cheek, give them the other cheek also.” This is not right. We must go another way. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains everything in a very simple way. The Creator created life and death, so choose life. With all our might we must yearn for good, for love, for ease, and not burrow into suffering. We have no need for it. To go willingly into exile, suffer there, and this will be better for all people is absolutely the wrong way! The ego intentionally attracts us there and this is not the Kabbalistic approach towards the world, our history, our mission.

The Creator blesses us with peace, happiness, Light, and warmth, but in no way with suffering. For in suffering, the person is not prepared to bless the Creator. He cannot cry and say: “How good it is for me to be with you!” After all, this is a lie. So it is forbidden for us to develop our own suffering. Christianity is based upon this. But from the point of view of the wisdom of Kabbalah, this is absolutely incorrect.

Question: So what does “Rejoice when the wicked are revealed to you” mean?

Answer: It means to rejoice when your defects are discovered within you. You are happy about this and don’t suffer. This is happiness because your personal characteristics are now being revealed, and you see that you can correct them. If they are revealed to you from above, it means that you will surely correct them.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 8/5/15

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The Creator Does Not Need Our Suffering
Unnecessary Sufferings
Pain As A Lever For Ascending

The World Is Waiting For Happiness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What makes the Jewish people the chosen people according to the wisdom of Kabbalah?

Answer: The Jewish people are considered the chosen people because they are the first who have to learn and adopt the Kabbalistic method and bring it to all of humanity.

But in the meantime, the fact that we are the chosen people is negatively reflected on us because we don’t fulfill our role. This is the reason that we feel the negative attitude of the world towards us. We need to understand why we are excommunicated, why we have suffered throughout history, and why everyone hates us, including countries we have never had any contact with, and why this hatred emerges over and over again. We have to pay close attention to this since this attitude towards us stems from the general law of nature.

If we examine it as a natural process and begin to study and explore it, the wisdom of Kabbalah explains everything very simply: we have to bring the method of unity to the world, especially at this time when humanity is so divided. The world is in crisis: families are breaking up, countries are destroyed, everything is disintegrating, and man is internally shattered. It is actually in these times, according to all the sources, that the Kabbalistic method is most vital and required.

But because we don’t bring it to the world, humanity will increase its claims that we are the reason for all the afflictions because we don’t bring the world happiness, and this is because we are the only ones who can do it.
From an interview on RTN, New York, 21/7/15

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A People That Determines The State Of Humanity
An Ancient Merit
We Were Chosen To Serve The World

The Cause Of Anti-Semitism

Dr. Michael Laitman

Question: The Jewish people do a lot of good things and good deeds. But I see that non-Jews view it negatively, and instead of seeing us as good, they see us as bad. Why?

Answer: What good did we, the smartest and most educated people, do for the world? Did we perform our mission to be the light for the nations? Why should they love us?

Humanity feels intuitively that we bring harm and hatred into the world. We cannot imagine how this could be possible, so ask, “What are we doing wrong? We do not wish anyone any harm! Why does everyone hate us and not the people who seek to destroy others? For what?” Start to investigate this and try to find the true cause of this phenomenon.

Why does North Korea, with whom we have never had any relationship, hold first place in the world for anti-Semitism? Why such hatred?

Because anti-Semitism exists inside nature, is its law, and there is nothing we can do about it. No amount of logic will help us. If this phenomenon has been observed for thousands of years, then we should take it seriously, and not on the level of feelings. We must get to the bottom of why we occupy one place in nature and the rest of the world another.

I have been studying laws of nature for the past 40 years. Prior to that, my specialty was bio-cybernetics. But over these 40 years I have come to realize that unity is the cardinal foundation that exists in all of nature, and there is nothing one can do about it because we cannot go against a law of nature.

Abraham was not a Jew, but an ancient Babylonian who worshiped idols. But yearning to understand why there was such disconnection in his society, he revealed that in nature, there is a law of unity and that humanity needs to come to unification. All of nature strives for oneness within itself from the time of the Big Bang until final correction, and having revealed this law, Abraham began to teach it to anyone who wanted to learn.

The most sensitive, developed, and responsive people joined him. With them he went out of Babylon. They started calling themselves Yehudim, from the word “Yichud” (unity) or Ivrim from the word “Laavor” (to cross over).

Prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, this group fulfilled its mission. But since the time when the last exile emerged, they have not. And until we come together and understand our mission, until we grasp it and announce it to the whole world, we can not expect anything good.

Because ultimately, all the Babylonians, i.e., all humanity, must arrive at unification. And it is we who have to bring this unity to the world.
From a public lecture in New York, 7/20/15

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Anti-Semitism as a Natural Phenomenon
Anti-Semitism As A Demand For Attention And Love
As An Eyesore