Entries in the 'Internet' Category

Replacement For Physical Contact

962.7Question: Do you think that virtual communities can replace physical contact?

Answer: Without a doubt. Everything moves in a direction where each person will be attached to a modem, a computer, and thus be connected to all of humanity through communication resources.

Question: Does it mean that the need for the physical world will begin to disappear?

Answer: Of course. Why do I need to look at another person? What difference does it make to me if I sit a few meters away from him or a few kilometers away? How does it limit me? It does not.

If I understand that we should be connected by feelings, hearts, minds, and common goals, and if we provide this to each other and correctly express and convey it, then all mechanical types of communication, including even the Internet, lose their value.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
Everything Stems From Egoism
The Way To Ultimate Communication
The Internet: The Mirror Of Humanity

Social Media As A Business Model

958Question: The main task of social networks is to glue a person to a TV or computer screen in order to sell something to him, although they were originally built to improve communication between people.

Do you think it is possible to change such a virtual environment? In whose hands should the power over people be? What should they watch? What should they read? What should they sell? After all, everything is determined for you.

Answer: Naturally, everything is determined for me. Nobody asks me. In short, a special body should be created that we can trust and that will manage our education and upbringing. Only this body can declare, expand, reduce, change, and dictate what we should watch and listen to.

Question: And if it is in the hands of governments or private people, then nothing will work?

Answer: Governments do not exist as such. They are managed by all kinds of financial and political tycoons. If it should be in somebody’s hands, then certainly not in the hands of governments.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
Fake Reality
Fake News
Social Media Without Competition

Learn To Live Only In Thoughts

959Question: Is virtual connection enough to develop an individual as a person?

Answer: In the future, virtual communication will be of a different quality. It will only be the basis for the development of sensory, internal connections that cannot be transmitted through verbal or physical communication.

It just seems to us that we are somehow in contact with each other. We need to establish contact with our hearts and thoughts rather than physically when we are opposite to one other and thus perceive and are impressed by each other.

Question: What new sensory organs would you recommend developing for better communication through virtual connection?

Answer: I would advise people to learn to live only in thoughts so that we would all try to be connected together in one thought called the “thought of creation.” In this thought, we would understand each other, merge with each other, and reach a connection with the thought that governs the entire universe, the entire creation, and in which we must all be included.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
The Way To Ultimate Communication
Virtual Communication Is Closer To The Spiritual One
The Internet Needs A New Direction

Who Should Run The Virtual Community?

961.2Question: How do you think the virtual community should be managed and by whom?

Answer: It should be a special spiritual organ that will regulate all properties, all types and forms of our communication. It should be above everything else and represent a cohort of great Kabbalistic thinkers who could give commands to the world, and the world would understand that it is desirable to listen to them.

Question: What about those horizontal connections that we have today are no longer working?

Answer: Those laws that are being established today in connection between everyone are purely selfish, purely forceful laws.

Question: Could a virtual world government be created in the future?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
The Way To Ultimate Communication
At The Head Of The Future Society
Why Are Only The Chosen Ones Engaged In The Spiritual Work?

Social Networks As A Place To Express Emotions

962.8Question: If before a person was overwhelmed with some positive or negative emotions and could share them with several friends, today he or she can share them with millions of people. Does this opportunity develop us as people?

Answer: No, this is nonsense like what happens in kindergarten. What does a person share? What emotions do others get from him or her? How do they react to this? All of this is at a primitive level and does not mean anything. After all, what guides each of us is just everyday egoism.

Question: It is becoming increasingly difficult to express one’s thoughts and emotions verbally, especially for the younger generation. In addition, many are embarrassed by spelling illiteracy, so people use emoticons, likes, and other symbols. Do you think we are going back to cave times or is this some kind of development?

Answer: I think it’s a good thing. These are not cave times.

In cave times, there were no restrictions on the transmission of information except for technical ones. Today, there is a restriction on the transfer of information because the information itself simply does not exist; it is very flat. Therefore, it fits into emoticons without any problems.

The degradation is not due to the emoticons but by itself. Emoticons are the by-product of this degradation.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
The Way To Ultimate Communication
Will Online Communication Lead To The Severing Of Social Ties?
Why Did The Virus Distance Us From Each Other?

Everything Stems From Egoism

959Question: There are two main principles of virtual communities.

First: free horizontal connection, everyone can communicate with everyone without an intermediary.

Second: an opportunity for everyone to find their own place, that is, to become a completely different person, not like in reality.

Do you think these principles will help a person in personal or spiritual development? After all, today we have the opportunity to communicate with everyone, and I can communicate with millions.

Answer: On the one hand, this certainly is a good thing. But the point is how we use it. You are talking about technical capabilities. But what do they contain? That is the problem.

Question: The Internet allows a person to act as if from a distance, without being physically present in society, and make some contacts, interactions, communication. Is this a manifestation of the growing egoism?

Answer: Everything stems from egoism, there is nothing else here. We must understand that we cannot escape from ourselves, from our nature. As soon as we start to correct it systematically, we will naturally come to a qualitatively new type of connection between us.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
The Trend Toward Worldwide Communication
Before And After The Internet Age
The End Of Hypocrisy

The Way To Ultimate Communication

962.8Question: The Internet is an inexhaustible source of communication today. More and more often, virtual communities characterized by the absence of restrictions on languages, anonymity, voluntariness, and common goals and interests are being formed.

What do you think is the trend of these changes? What is nature pushing us to?

Answer: Nature pushes us toward correct communication with each other. We do not yet know what correct communication is, but we will gradually find out. It will take several more years and we will understand what nature requires of us.

In the end, it will all come down to changing communication between people. We see that over the course of many millennia of our development, people have tried to come to some new state of communication. They were chasing the discovery of land, power, and wealth, but in the end, they figured out which images, methods, and forms of communication were the most optimal for them. They did not understand what they were doing, but in general, they were moving toward this.

And in our time, these clarifications are elevated to a new level. It turns out that the very technology of changing distances, which are reduced due to transportation techniques, virtual communication between us, etc., leads us to the fact that we can very quickly and efficiently establish ultimate communication with each other.

At the same time, we reveal that our connection is purely mechanical, technical, and not the one that nature requires from us.

Question: Do you think that the appearance of such virtual communities in which everyone can communicate with millions of people is a positive phenomenon?

Answer: Of course.

Question: For hundreds of years, books were the main source of information, but today they simply disappear, and all communication has changed. Is it development or degradation? If in the past a person could read several books a week, today people read much less.

Answer: In any case, the form of recording in writing will not disappear, and we will continue to use it. After all, this is not communication in the form of writing, but memory.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
Will Online Communication Lead To The Severing Of Social Ties?
Man In An Interconnected World, Part 2
Virtual Communication Is Closer To The Spiritual One

New Life 493 – Online Connection Between The People And The Elected Officials

New Life 493 – Online Connection Between The People And The Elected Officials
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

The modern forms of communication enable people to confuse, cheat, and rob each other. On the whole, the current use of the Internet brings mainly destruction to our lives. This is the recognition of evil. There is no turning back.

We need to learn how to use the Internet wisely. It was revealed to the world in order to help us to connect in a circle, in equality, and in mutuality. An online education system will align everyone, bring us to a common understanding, and generate future leaders who will explain how to connect with each other. It will help us advance toward a more internal network of connection between the hearts until we feel as one man.
From KabTV’s “New Life 493 – Online Connection Between The People And The Elected Officials,” 1/6/15

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Will Online Communication Lead To The Severing Of Social Ties?

laitman_962.8Question: Now everyone is talking about the emergence of online professions, in particular, a digital transformation. Everyone learned how to use Zoom. In general, a large-scale digitization took place in two months.

How can one remain a full-fledged member of society if, in online professions, you will constantly interact with a computer, with numbers?

Answer: I do not see any problems here. Many of my friends, despite the coronavirus, continue to work from home. Most of them love it. And the enterprises themselves like it too because this is a big budget saver.

I think that the majority of enterprises will develop in this direction. A person will work from home.

I also switched to such a job. Previously, up to 500 or 600 people gathered in our center every morning, not counting those in different parts of the world who connected to our broadcasts. And for the last few months I have only been teaching online, and I must say that the number of people is only constantly increasing, and everyone is happy with it.

Question: Do you think that the severing of social ties due to online communication will not happen?

Answer: I think, on the contrary, new, correct, good social connections will appear. And breaking past ties is only for our benefit.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 5/24/20

Related Material:
Why Did The Virus Distance Us From Each Other?
The Most Important Professions
Professions Of The Future

Recognized Harm In Facebook

laitman_959Remark: Facebook recognizes its influence. This social network no longer denies that it can cause people to become dependent on it and spread false information. On its official blog, the company representatives confirmed that social networks directly affect democracy, and not in the best way.

My Comment: There is nothing to be done about it. They will continue to do it in every possible way. It is a very profitable business, which provides the most powerful way to influence the world.

Specialists in social technologies, in fact, program a person, determine his way of thinking, his feelings and views. It is impossible to resist them because we see only the tip of the iceberg.

While we do not want to be guided by the upper management, the program of our internal development, our own domestic “fate programmers” will cause us trouble again and again. Under their “keen guidance,” egoism will take power over all spheres of life and turn people into a herd. It already does.

There is only one solution: realizing the evil that lies within our nature. Then, we will “expose” ourselves to a different program that develops us, rather than “trains” us. In direct communication, with the help of Kabbalah, a person will discover a system of relationships that elevates him vertically upward into the upper world, above the surface of this network that will choke him to the last.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/30/18

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The Health Of Social Networks
How To Neutralize The Negativity Of Facebook
Means Of Mass Isolation