Entries in the 'Globalization' Category

What the Media Should Teach

271Question: How can all the media that surround us transform into Kabbalistic media, meaning that it would carry useful and not just stupid information?

Answer: The media should educate people in such a way as to direct them toward global, integral unification. There is nothing more they can do.

Naturally this would not be Kabbalistic education, but a correct social and moral unity. Kabbalistic unity will come to people gradually.

When they begin to correctly connect with each other under the guidance of Kabbalists, then they will begin to feel that in this unity there is some kind of internal force, an internal property, that lifts and inspires them. Then they will begin to behave differently.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalistic Media” 1/18/12

Related Material:
Manipulation Of The Masses Through The Media
News By Our Own Hands
Media Destroys People’s Community

Man Must Be Forbidden from Suffering

538Question: By the road stood the trunk of a dried-up tree. At night, a thief passed by and got scared; he thought it was a policeman. A young man in love walked by, and his heart joyfully skipped a beat; he mistook the tree for his beloved. A frightened child, influenced by scary stories, saw the tree, and burst into tears. But in all cases, the tree was just a tree. “We see the world as we are.”

Could you please tell me, what does it say about us if today we see the world in wars, suffering, troubles, and so on?

Answer: We are a reflection of the world. Essentially if we perceive the world as full of suffering, it means that we ourselves are fundamentally like that. And deep inside we don’t actually wish to see the world differently. We, in fact, want it to stay that way. We cannot rise above what we feel. That is the problem.

Question: So do we want this suffering?

Answer: Yes, we are accustomed to it; we dwell in it. And that’s the problem.

Comment: But that’s essentially anti-life.

My Response: That’s where we are.

Question: So we’re not really living?

Answer: We are not living.

Comment: It’s a complete turnaround: that we want suffering.

My Response: Our entire history, the history of all humanity, is just a continuous flow of suffering.

Comment: But we think we were set up for this. And even in the Torah, it is said: “Go and suffer.”

Essentially, it is said that you will suffer. So, we are not responsible, we are not carrying it with us, we were put in this position. And you’re saying it lives within us.

My Response: I believe it is our fault. We don’t wish to rise above this degree. We don’t want to!

Question: So the whole task is to want?

Answer: To want to overturn all of this, to break free from this tangle of suffering.

Question: What does a person need to do for that?

Answer: A person needs to stop hating others, to bring oneself closer to others. And then everything will change.

Question: Does he need to understand that he wants to suffer, wants suffering?

Answer: Yes, I think we just need to forbid ourselves to suffer because by suffering, you provoke suffering in the world. Wake up and sing!

Question: So if you’re in pain, wake up and sing. Like that song: “Wake up and sing, try in life at least once…”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Now, here’s a question. Later, all of them – the child, the lover, the thief – found out in the end that it was just a tree, what they were afraid of. What do we need to find out? What is in front of us?

Answer: The Creator! Nothing else! And He constantly creates these scenes, visions for us to be afraid and gradually come to an understanding of these mirages.

Question: So, my desire for suffering should turn into what is in front of me…?

Answer: Mirage.

Question: And I don’t have the right to suffer, you say?

Answer: No! As soon as you start to suffer, this mirage turns into materialistic actions, scenes.

Comment: Wars and so on.

My Response: Yes, but if you don’t allow suffering, even if it seems like it is there, then everything is corrected.

Question: And then I slowly start to see the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you say “Creator,” what do you mean? What is in front of me, in front of us?

Answer: The force that governs the world, us, and that wants to lead us to the realization of the correct state of nature and ourselves.

Question: What is that state?

Answer: Joy!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/24

Related Material:
Why Do We Feel Suffering?
What Is The Cause Of Suffering?
To Turn From The Path Of Suffering

Will AI Make it Better or Worse?

186Question: The Danish Saxo Bank makes predictions every year. According to the forecast, in 2024 the world will be threatened by artificial intelligence that will create almost all content on the Internet, and people will massively stop believing in information; see and hear, but do not believe.

I recently was shown a video of you and me with our voices speaking utter nonsense, and you cannot tell that it is faked. Doesn’t that scare you?

Answer: No.

Remark: They say it will be widespread next year.

My Response: So what? Very good.

Question: What is good about it?

Answer: People are realizing and will realize that all this is deception and lies, and they will already be cautious about everything.

Question: So I should not believe my own eyes or ears?

Answer: No, but we ourselves have built such a world where lies are now becoming more obvious. And it is very good that we understand that it is a lie and that we should not believe anything.

Question: So you think this is the goal of the upper governance, to bring us to this feeling that I don’t trust anyone, I can’t trust?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Who should I trust then?

Answer: No one, including yourself.

Question: Myself too? So I see, hear, and do not believe?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Then where is that rope?

Answer: There is no rope. There is nothing to hold on to, and we just live.

Question: Well, I do not trust information. But the person who is next to me, who I do not see on the screen, I talk to him, can I trust him?

Answer: We will be forced to shorten our lives, shrink it to a state where we can trust each other, trust in some small connections between us. And that is it, nothing more is needed.

Question: After all faith is killed in me, will I want to, as you always say, get closer to someone, be in connection with them, and believe them?

Answer: No, it will only be at a level like, I give you a piece of bread, you give me potatoes; it’s like this and that’s like that.

Comment: It is called “natural exchange.”

My Response: Sort of a natural exchange because at that level, we can clearly understand what we are doing, in what states we find ourselves, in what relationships. And that is it. Why more?

Question: Still, why do they give us this state of cutting off everything: all hopes, all faith, everything?

Answer: So that we understand where we are, within which boundaries we can exist and coexist.

Question: Within which boundaries?

Answer: In natural ones. In the most straightforward, narrow, and concrete relationships, not far from each other.

Question: And what is the point of that?

Answer: Nothing. It is just so you do not get confused! Otherwise, you have woven such a culture, such a science around yourself…and for millennia. You got lost. Get out of the dark forest.

Comment: It turns out that the whole history that has been written, all of it is fictional? Everything that is said now…

My Response: People wrote it.

Question: I see. Holy books written by people who felt the spiritual world, books written for us, why should we believe them? Should we believe them or should we check?

Answer: Do not believe in anything. You can only verify that what they are advising is true. That is, in their advice.

Question: So, I should practically go through the whole path that the prophets have gone through?

Answer: You cannot go through the whole path, of course. But what they advise, you can check on yourself. Something from it will turn out to be true. And you can grasp onto that.

Question: So, they are guiding us to this, narrowing our path? It turns out it is like a tiny eye of a needle. And everything narrows like that, and you have to fit into this little hole?

Answer: Yes, why do you need more?

Question: Where do we end up after this hole narrows: I trust no one, believe in nothing, and want to pass through it? Where do I end up? What is there?

Answer: You end up in a state where your entire essence and your entire destiny are determined. It is all there. And when you see it in front of you, you are already acting correctly.

Question: So you are saying that I am breaking through to my core? That is where I am real?

Answer: Yes, there you are, yes; you begin to become acquainted with yourself. That is where, I hope, we shall come.

Comment: Look, there is no evil in the world. Artificial intelligence will lead us into the depths, and as a result, it will actually direct us.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: They also believe that the year 2024 will be the year of obesity. People will start refusing to do sports and will switch to unhealthy food. It is for sure hard to believe in that.

My Response: I do not know, it is so unimportant; let them talk.

Question: They say that this whole fitness club and healthy food industry with such crazy promotion might collapse. What do you think, could this empire that has been built collapse?

Answer: It could collapse because it all depends on the importance in people’s eyes.

Question: So, the importance might suddenly decline. I eat what I want, live how I want, walk, or sleep, sit, it does not matter. I feel good and that is all. Is it possible that people will stop running?

Answer: For me, it is possible. I am ready for it.

Question: What is being turned off here, can I ask you?

Answer: All talks about how sports are beneficial, diet is beneficial, they are being turned off.

Comment: And suddenly a person feels that…

My Response: Relax and float. That is also philosophy.

Question: This is really an empire. Tell me, please, do they have even a fraction, even a little bit of the fact that they are helping people to be healthy…?

Answer: No! They only want to profit from it, that is all.

Question: You do not allow pure thoughts?

Answer: Nothing! Neither those for it nor those against it want anything except to profit!

Question: Not even a little?

Answer: To earn money and elevate themselves are the two goals.

Comment: In that case, it will eventually fall. If there is not even a bit of good intention, then it will definitely fall someday.

My Response: Yes.

Question: The next prediction: the USA will face the end of capitalism. How is that possible? After all, this country did not know any other formations, it is built on capitalism. How likely is it that suddenly—boom—and it collapses?

Answer: I do not believe it will collapse because it is all built on absolute egoism. There may be various profound changes in society, in human nature, but I cannot imagine it collapsing. Because the whole world is built on it.

The capitalist structure is the most correct, true structure, because we are egoists. It fits us most directly. Until we change, it will exist.

Comment: And all attempts to come to a different system…

My Response: Will not yield anything; you will end up with the same thing.

Question: So, what system should we eventually come to?

Answer: We should come to connection, to friendship, to love.

Question: What kind of system is that?

Answer: Communism, a true communist system.

Question: Were all attempts to build communism premature?

Answer: Yes, nobody thought to build it! It is all talk. But to build real communism, it is first of all knowing that there is no other way but “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Question: Is that what you call communism?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: And sooner or later, one way or another…

My Response: It will happen. Because it is already planned in nature, and it already exists.

Question: So for this, as you say, we have to change our nature?

Answer: Yes. And everything should be directed toward that.

Comment: Next: the bank predicts that for the first time in US history, an independent candidate will win the election. They even name him: Robert Kennedy Jr.

My Response: Honestly, I do not know who he is, what he stands for, what he wants. But it would be good if the one who would be for uniting people on peaceful grounds won. But that is not obvious yet, there are no prerequisites for it. Although what is being done today, these are all the right steps of nature to tame human egoism.

Question: So there is still some good in this assumption that it will be an independent candidate?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Robert Kennedy Jr. is a lawyer. And since we touched on Kennedy, there is a term: “The Kennedy curse.” There are 22 unfortunate, fatal incidents. Tragedy follows this family! Is there some kind of law in this?

Answer: Yes, of course! It exists.

Comment: Granddaughters perish, children perish, it just keeps happening! What is it in them that they still rise up and go, and again want power, and so on?

Answer: It is also written in the Torah.

Comment: So a person is not afraid of…?

My Response: That is fate; nothing can be done about it. He feels like he is doing the right thing, that drives him, and no dissuasion helps.

Question: And not even fear helps—just to sit somewhere quietly, calmly?

Answer: No.

Question: So, this exists, you believe that fate follows an entire family, a dynasty?

Answer: Of course!

Comment: Next. In the European Union, in the year 2024 finally, a 2% wealth tax will be introduced. The question is only: where will the money go? Where does the money go when a tax is imposed, let’s say on the wealthy? Increase the tax and where will the money go in your opinion?

Answer: No one will notice them.

Question: What about those billions that will be collected? Then what is the point of taxing the wealthy?

Answer: It is all about race for power—anything goes.

Question: So, the one who announces this tax will become like Robin Hood for people?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And this is not done to help the poor, the unfortunate, and so on?

Answer: No, what can you help with just 2% anyway?

Question: Then, here is a question: how would you solve the issue with the super-rich people, with the wealthy people?

Answer: I would assign them to rebuild the world. So they would do everything to make the world more peaceful, more balanced, more pleasant, and so on. And I would give them honors for their successes.

Question: So in a way, you would redesign them?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: So, they will have honors, to get in Forbes, into the top names.

Answer: I would prohibit all of that.

Question: All these magazines, all these rankings?

Answer: Yes. The rankings would be different: here are the people we should respect, here are the people we should honor.

Question: Because he helped the world in such and such a way, he helped the world in such and such a way? Do you think that this respect is the most effective?

Answer: Yes, if we inflate this, it will have a great impact on everyone.

Question: So, you think that their desire to earn will turn into a desire to earn in order to give?

Answer: Yes, and not just that, but to this is the best janitor in our city, and this is the best doctor.

Question: So it would be distributed among everyone?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: And especially for them, probably they helped the world change.

My Response: Yes, that is not bad!

Comment: That is beautiful. But you were saying this back in 2006 in Arosa. There were some quite wealthy people sitting there listening, applauding, nodding.

My Response: 2006 Arosa, that was many years ago.

Comment: 17 years ago. It is called “The Arosa Document.” You can find it on Google and take a look. So, you still maintain this position that if this had happened, the world could have…

My Response: Yes, it needs to be arranged.

Comment: Maybe then there would be no wars.

My Response: What wars are you talking about? There is no escaping them.

Question: So, bringing it all back to the forecast for the year 2024, do you still think it will be better or worse?

Answer: I think the year 2024 will be a year of serious upheaval. People will start realizing that we need to decisively address our affairs. Well, that is all.

Question: So, you believe that in the year 2024 we will be brought to some point?

Answer: Yes, because it is clear to us: either it is endless warfare in different places and maybe even a world war, or let us get down to business.

Question: And maybe they will get down to business?

Answer: Yes, they will put their own house in order.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/7/23

Related Material:
The Civilization of Global Love
A New Civilization
Signs of the Fall of Civilization

The Path to Happiness Lies through Sodom

294.1When you get older, you will understand that you can somehow live in the world only under one indispensable condition: you must understand that selfishness is a natural property of man.

When you come to terms with the idea that everyone lives only for themselves, you will be much more lenient towards your neighbors. They will stop disappointing your hopes, and you will begin to treat them more mercifully. People strive for only one thing in life – pleasure. (Somerset Maugham,Of Human Bondage).

Comment: We need to come to terms with the idea that everyone is an egoist, that everyone lives like this, and from this everything will calm down.

My Response: Of course, if everyone accepts this condition.

Comment: If we understand that everyone lives in their egoism—and I do, too—everything will calm down.

Answer: Yes, sure.

Question: “What is yours is yours, what is mine is mine.” This is still the law, right?

Answer: This is the first law on the path to real peace, that I accept all the weaknesses of others. It is called “what is yours is yours, and what is mine is mine,” and we do not interfere with each other. We respect each other.

It is not yet talking about convergence, merging, or “love your neighbor as yourself,” but about understanding our general law of nature.

Question: So, do you think this law is fair? Is this the law of our world?

Answer: At some stage, yes.

Comment: But Sodom was built precisely on this principle.

My Response: Why do you think that Sodom is evil? If today we were offered Sodom instead of our state, then having understood this, we would gladly accept it. We would be content. There would be no war, and there would be no atrocities. We would simply peacefully coexist.

Question: Why did the Creator not like this Sodom and overturn it?

Answer: This is not the end of creation. It is not the purpose of creation. The purpose of creation is for everyone to live in caring for each other.

Comment: That is clear. And in Sodom, those caring for each other were punished. But in any case, it would be suitable for the first step.

My Response: I am not saying we need to take these steps exactly. The Torah shows us that such a society will still be destroyed.

Question: That is, does such a society have no future?

Answer: That is correct. But as an intermediate, it exists. Here we are given an example.

Question: We have not even gotten to that first half step yet.

Answer: We are still a long way from Sodom.

Question: Before “What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours”?

Answer: Yes. You see what happens between neighbors, states, countries, and everywhere in general.

Comment: “What is yours is mine” is the main principle today.

My Response: We are at the lowest stage of egoistic development.

Comment: It always seems that this has already passed, that we are already somewhere…

My Response: No way!! Look what is being done! How people treat each other, what thoughts they have!

Question: If let us say we come to this step: “What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours,” is the next step “I do not harm another”?

Answer: Yes, by no means do I harm anyone else.

Comment: Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself.

My Response: Yes, but this is also not good.

Question: This is like the second step. And the third?

Answer: The third step is to imagine myself in the place of another and do good to him as I imagine what they would do to me. This is called “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Question: That is, we have three steps: first Sodom, as you say, “What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours”; second, “Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself; third, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And what do we come to then if we take these three steps?

Answer: To ensure we all have the same desire: to do only good things for each other.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/4/23

Related Material:
Principle Of Sodom—Not To Help Others In Anything
Sodom—A Ban On Communication Between People
New Life 185 – Sodom And Gomorrah

In a Single Field

264.01We are all in a single field, like permanently connected particles. But this original connection of ours is like an electronic circuit that exists and that is it. How it will work and what program it will carry out is up to us.

When you buy a computer, you do not re-solder circuits or change any boards; they already exist. But how to load the computer, what program it will run, and what data it will calculate is up to you.

That is what we do. We do not even install a program in this system. It works on its own. It leads all parts of creation that are connected into a single organism called “Adam,” a single system, to feel this general connection.

There are two states in the application of this program, in which we must feel ourselves in a single connection.

We either walk and with every step, the system pushes us forward, i.e., it evokes in us some negative impulses that we involuntarily have to overcome because we feel pain as if we are receiving an electric shock as we yell “Ouch!” and run somewhere in the direction opposite to the shock. In this way, we create some kind of connection, but it is an unwanted awakening between us.

Or we realize that we are in a relationship with this system that is manifested now in all humanity, at all levels of our connection. We see our disagreement with the integral connection; this is called crisis.

In the end, we must agree with the way we are connected, all together, into one single system, completely interconnected in friendship and love, in which all our desires, thoughts, and properties will be directed only by the original work of the system so that we do not harm it with our egoism, but correct the ego to become a good interaction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Single Field“ 12/27/11

Related Material:
Unity Happens Only On The Spiritual Level
Unity In Everything
Correction Lies In Unity

Learning from Wolves

611Comment: They say man is a wolf to man. But when I look at the structure of a  wolf pack, I envy them. A leader is the one who takes responsibility for organizing the hunt and protecting everyone in his pack. The pack intuitively obeys whoever is stronger and more responsible, regardless of age.

What does a strong and responsible leader mean to man if we were to adopt this structure?

My Response: This means such a man-wolf can unite and convince everyone that unification is their law and the way to ensure survival.

Question: So if such a leader implements unification in a group, the pack will endure?

Answer: Yes, they will recognize him as the leader.

Question: And will the pack be okay?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: That was the first rule. The second rule is that the stronger and more experienced the leader, the faster he suppresses all quarrels, the less discord and aggression in the pack, the friendlier the atmosphere, and the more cohesion in the group.

Stopping quarrels could mean using harsh methods.

My Response: Well, this is the law of any clan, even an animal one, not to mention human.

Question: So he should both be firm and soft at the same time?

Answer: I do not know about soft. But he must be very clear and confident, and impose his will.

Question: So, he puts an end to all quarrels, bad relationships, and all slander?

Answer: Of course.

Comment: Firmly? He will not be loved.

My Response: They will fear him, that is the most important thing. Therefore, they will respect and obey him. If you live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf.

Question: The third rule is that the leader leads the pack, rescues them from traps, plans out and begins the hunt, and is first to rush at the enemy or prey.

What does it mean to be the first in everything?

Answer: That is, to take on all the blows and all the problems that arise in his pack.

Question: We are talking about human society? Are you talking about that now?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, he is the first to take on the blows? That is, he cares about all this?

Answer: It is like his personal family.

Question: So, you see the leader as a father? And society is his family?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And if, as we have now, there is a mishap, he takes responsibility for it?

Answer: If he does not take responsibility, he is instantly removed. There is no other way among animals. He has to assume responsibility.

Question: The fourth rule is that wolves walk in a line. The first three are old and sick. They are followed by the five strongest wolves. Next is the part of the pack they are protecting, and five more strong wolves. Last comes the leader, who makes sure that no one falls behind.

Being a leader does not mean being ahead of the pack, but making sure that everyone makes it.

Answer: Well that is the most important thing, making sure everyone is safe.

Question: And the elderly who are upfront?

Answer: Absolutely everyone! This is exactly how he is evaluated.

Question: Is this the power of a leader?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this even possible?

Answer: You see, it works among wolves. It’s harder for people.

Comment: Because you want to hold on to your post, be elected, and so on.

My Response: Humanity has damaged itself in many ways over thousands of years.

Comment: Wolves work on instinct, while we have reason.

My Response: They have a clear inner understanding of necessity.

Question: There, in the pack? So, they live according to nature?

Answer: Yes, such is their nature and the nature of the surrounding wolf society; therefore, this is the only way to live and survive.

We are nobody and nothing here at all. Everyone is looking to run away, escape responsibility, and let others fend for themselves. “It is not my concern.”

Comment: We have come to the conclusion that the chief, the leader, should watch over everyone and be the last one behind them.

My Response: Yes. We must create such a “pack” so people would come to us wanting to live by our laws. Us means our group.

Question: Will they come because they realize everyone cares about each other?

Answer: Yes, there is no other way. Save ourselves, raise children, give confidence to the elderly, women, and children—we must act this way.

Question: The fifth rule is that a wolf lives with one mate his whole life and never cheats on her. Even when a wolf or his mate die hunting, the single spouse does not look for a replacement, but remains alone for the rest of his life. Can you imagine?!

Answer: We are very far from that.

Comment: Imagine choosing for life! You see, the wolves can.

My Response: We have a lot to learn.

Question: What is it like when you make such a decision?

Answer: It is their nature. For us, it is our egoistic nature that drives us crazy.

Question: But when you decide to live like this, it means you have somehow subdued it, managed to curb your selfish nature so you choose for the rest of your life.

Answer: Yes.

Comment: But you say we should choose for life.

My Response: We should.

Question: And keep at it?

Answer: And keep at it, but you see how we are managing.

Question: The sixth rule is about the she-wolf. When the wolf-husband is in danger, the female covers his neck, which may be very dangerous for her, but she does not think about it.

What about a human clan, what does it mean for a wife to shield her husband, to protect him?

Answer: I do not know what the wolf feels. About a person this means she understands that she depends on him, and he is her most important task. As long as he is alive and strong, she and the children are protected.

A wife who loves her husband feels that if anything bad happens to her husband, she is ready to share it with him without any hesitation.

Question: The seventh is that a she-wolf, when preparing to give birth, builds a cozy home. She does not consider her comfort, but thinks about the comfort of her future generation.

What does it mean for a future mother not to think about herself?

Answer: She lives for her children, grandchildren, and so on.

Question: Are we talking about our world already?

Answer: Yes.

Question: I don’t think about myself, I think about others. What does it mean?

Answer: For their sake you do what is best for them.

Question: So I completely annul myself, totally?

Answer: Yes. You do whatever may be good for them.

Question: Can you name something that may be good for them?

Answer: You may change where you live, your place of work. Everything for them.
You could leave your favorite job for them.

Question: The eighth rule is that the whole pack with the leader takes care of the mother-wolf with her cubs. They bring her food, completely take care of her and the future offspring of the whole pack.

What does the society takes care of the mothers mean? I’m now talking about people, humanity.

Answer: It means doing everything to ensure their safety, their confidence, and their future. Then they will raise their young and the clan; the society will be provided for by the next generation.

Comment: The ninth rule is that when a mother goes hunting, sitters guard the babies and play with them. The cubs are treated most gently. Any adult is always ready to share food with them, play, and teach them the rules of hunting or subordination. That is why the wolf pack is so cohesive and efficient.

My Response: I want to be with them. 🙂

Question: So, is this all a method of rearing? When everyone, the whole society participates… Not just for your children!

How do I tear myself from my child? It says here that I take care of someone else’s child, another child, the whole pack takes care of him. How is this possible?

Answer: When you realize you are all one, a common whole. These are Kabbalistic principles.

Comment: Absolutely! To realize I won’t survive otherwise. The neighbor’s child is just as important to me as my own child.

My Response: Yes.

Question: It seems quite unrealistic for a person. But this is how it should be, right?

Answer: This is how it should be, of course!

Question: The tenth principle is that a pack takes care of the disabled, crippled, and elderly. They would feed them chewed food, like for puppies, and can even pick their fleas. But there is addition, in times of famine, a pack cannot take on the responsibility of feeding elderly animals. And the elderly accept that.

Is this also a matter of survival?

Answer: It is a matter of survival and necessity for the pack. That is why there are some animals who sacrifice themselves for the survival of the pack.

Question: Let’s summarize it, they care for the disabled, the elderly…

Answer: For everyone.

Question: And we, too, have to care for the elderly?

Answer: Yes. But if it is impossible to take care of the weak…

Question: This is a very difficult question indeed! How can we make this choice?

Answer: The one who benefits the future generation most is chosen.

Question: Meaning, young and strong?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, the principle still holds—the survival of the pack, the survival of society?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Clearly, we have a lot to learn from wolves. We need to do something to improve ourselves. We must think about the organization of our society, how to rebuild it to make it healthier and what kind of upbringing programs to take on for our children, our grandchildren, for the next generation.

This means looking several generations ahead of us. And we must change the order of society for their sake.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/30/23

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Cows Purify Us

American Universities Promote Freedom of Antisemitism

448.9Comment: These days, only an indifferent person avoids talking about American antisemitism, about what is happening at universities there, and so on. I would like to talk about it.

My Response: This was already happening 15 to 20 years ago when I was still visiting universities.

Comment: I know the foundation was laid and money was invested there. Significant sums of Arab money were invested in order to promote it. It amazes me that the script was written then for many years to come.

My Response: They understood what they were doing.

Question: They quietly invested money in universities and promoted this hatred. And now it has manifested itself very clearly.

We know Congress called for a meeting with the Presidents of three top universities: Harvard, Univeristy of Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

They were asked the same question over and over. Their video went viral on the Internet. They were asked: “Do calls for the genocide of Jews violate the code of conduct at your university?” It was the exact question: “Do calls for the genocide of Jews violate your university’s code of conduct? Yes or no?”

And they would not answer yes or no. They tried to avoid answering. Do you think they are afraid? Or is this antisemitism already deeply ingrained in them?

Answer: I think they are not just afraid, although there is also something to be afraid of, even physically.

Question: If they were defending the Jews, then they or their relatives would be threatened physically?

Answer: Yes, but there is nothing you can do about it anyway. This is the natural development of the world.

Question: So do you think it is already a part of them? And nothing can change it?

Answer: It will only change if the Jews change! So it is said in the Torah, so it is said everywhere, and so say the antisemites.

Comment: We see heroes always find an indirect path. And you say we need to sort things out within ourselves.

My Response: Why should we hate them? It all comes from above.

Comment: Well, they want us to disappear.

My Response: Then disappear in a spiritual sense in your attitude toward the world, toward yourself, and others. Rise to the level of giving, bestowing, and loving. And you will see how the world will change.

Question: Is this your call to the Jews now?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Specifically to the Jews? Will it continue until there is a revolution within the Jews themselves?

Answer: Yes.

Question: It seems we are now approaching this revolution after all?

Answer: I hope our people will be able to realize it, come to their senses, and turn around.
This is our task.

Question: At the same time, all three presidents of the three universities stated the need to protect free speech. Here is the phrase they used to hide behind—”freedom of speech.” What do you personally understand by this phrase? Is there a place for it?

Answer: We need to educate generations to the point where free speech in itself intentionally remains only in calls for rapprochement.

Question: Are these calls free speech? To be free to call for rapprochement?

Answer: Yes and everything else will just disappear.

Question: Well of course, for now it means something else—saying what you want, whatever comes into your head, and calling it free speech. You do not call this free speech?

Answer: No.

Question: What do you think it is? Saying whatever they think?

Answer: Considering the nature of man, this is just propaganda of hatred, mutual rejection, and calls for mutual destruction.

Question: Is that because we are in such a state today? Is this what comes out of us? What then is freedom of speech?

Answer: Free speech can only be called as such when it promotes mutual dependence and rapprochement.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/11/23

Related Material:
“How Could Modern America Become Anti-Semitic?” (Quora)
“The Surprising Reason That American Jews Hide Their Identity” (Times Of Israel)
“Canada Students’ Hitler Salute Proves Entrenched Antisemitism” (Times Of Israel)

The Spiritual Treasury

212We have been lost in the terrible desert along with all of humanity, and now we have found a great, abundant treasure, namely the books of Kabbalah in the treasure (Baal HaSulam “The Last Generation”).

Why does Baal HaSulam call Kabbalistic books a treasury? The fact is that all Kabbalistic books describe the origin of man, our Earth, and human society—where it should move, based on what laws it exists, and how it can change itself in nature and nature to suit itself.

All this applies to Kabbalah, and even more so if we are talking about the last generation. After all, we are talking about a state we must reach in the future.

The information contained in the book shows humanity how it should exist. In this way it can ensure its good development for many, many years until it reaches the highest stage of its development as the last generation.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 2/4/24

Related Material:
Secrets of Kabbalistic Text
A Treasure Chest Hidden In The Desert
Connecting To Good

Eternal State

214Question: You say that people treat each other poorly, don’t help each other, etc. What is the right way to behave?

Answer: Until you see the entire system of creation as a whole, nothing will help. You must see it! At the very least, try to conceptualize it according to scientists’ opinions.

Suppose you don’t see a radiation field, but you fear it: “What if I am being exposed to radiation?” It’s the same here. This needs to be taught.

This is the basis for the integral upbringing and education that we are developing for everyone in the world, so that people understand that they are in one integral sphere and completely depend on each other. Each one defines the others and thereby determine their own state.

This is an eternal nature, not something temporary, to say, “Okay, I’ve lived like this, and I’ll die like this, that’s how I am.” No, this is an eternal state, and you cannot escape from it. And you, in addition to this state, appear in your animal body, and it dies, appears, and dies. But you are forever included in this sphere, in this communication among everyone, as its special element, as a part of the system called “Adam.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Effective Transaction of Wisdom” 12/28/11

Related Material:
Life in the Common Soul
To A Single Field Of Consciousness
Tuning To My Neighbor

On the Way to Harmony

963.4We cannot move forward without blows that must pass over us! The whole problem is in what kind of blows they will be and at what level; will it be on a gross animal, material, sensory, or mental level.

These blows can be small and targeted, that follow one another and accurately correct me like a rocket moving through a tracking system. So-so-so—the pulse system works and leads me forward all the time.

Or these can be big blows that hit me on one cheek, then on the other cheek, and I do not know where to go.

It all depends on the threshold of sensitivity of the evil in me. I can feel it so subtly that I experience a correction a hundred times a minute and move forward in a smooth way without deviating far from the course. So-so-so—around a straight axis that leads me to the goal without deviating for kilometers to the side, and then, boom: “I made a mistake. Get back on course!”—and so on.

Therefore, we must do our best to spread the knowledge of Kabbalah so that people see that they have nothing else in their hands and begin to master it. They must understand that there is no other way out. We need to come to harmony with the world around us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to Do in the Moment of a Disaster?“ 1/2/12

Related Material:
Ahead Of The Blows Of Fate
How To Forestall The Blows Of Nature
The Ego’s Valuable Blows