Entries in the 'Collective Soul' Category

The Physical And Spiritual World

Laitman_712_03Question: How does the physical world influence the spiritual world?

Answer: It doesn’t. Everything descends from top to bottom: the upper world affects the lower. But under certain conditions, we can influence the upper world, and through it—the material world.

As we correct our egoistic desires, we affect the properties we have mastered—the properties of bestowal and love. By matching these properties with the altruistic properties of the common soul, through it, we influence the impact it has on our world.

Question: Is there danger that by bringing oneself closer to the Creator and mastering the governing system, Kabbalists could abuse their knowledge?

Answer: It is impossible, because when you fall from the property of bestowal and love you immediately lose your connection with the upper world and, therefore, its impact on our world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/15

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The Sin Of Adam Is The Cause Of All Of Our Troubles

laitman_929Question: Why in these days, from the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, is a completely unique atmosphere felt?

Answer: These are days of judgment, and we see this when we look at the events that are happening in Europe and Israel. The world requires our correct participation.

In the days of judgment we need to judge ourselves, our behavior, our deeds, to clarify the cause for all of the failures and the unfavorable fate.

It is always necessary to examine ourselves in relation to the origin, and our origin is Adam HaRishon (the First Man). The sin of Adam HaRishon is the reason for everything that happened after it.

Twenty generations after Adam, one of the great sages of ancient Babylon Abraham began the correction of the sin of Adam HaRishon; he called for all the Babylonians to unite and rise above the mutual hatred, which is called the Tower of Babel that led to a crisis.

Some of the Babylonians heard the call of Abraham and joined him. Abraham taught his students “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), so that love will cover all crimes, over all hatred. So Abraham gathered a group that later evolved into the people of Israel.

These events are directly related to what is happening today. After so many events we have experienced throughout history, we are still in the same situation of Adam HaRishon; we must correct his sin.

The people of Israel were chosen from among all the other peoples for this purpose because they had the desire for unity, spirituality.

These are a unique people possessing a unique desire, a special readiness of mind and soul that can achieve such a unity between them by which the whole world is then united. The great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam wrote about this in the article, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar.”

The sin of Adam is the basis of the breakup of humanity, all of its suffering and troubles. All of our problems come from this sin because of which one great desire, one soul, was shattered into a multitude of fragments. In each one of us there is a tiny fragment of the collective soul.

If eight billion people are living in the world today, there is a part of the soul of Adam HaRishon, of Adam in each one of them. So we need to connect with each other so that all of these parts will merge together.

But the realization of this function isn’t imposed upon eight billion but upon the people of Israel. If the people of Israel will correct themselves and unify according to the conditions of “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” then all the nations of the world will automatically be integrated within it.

This is specifically what Abraham taught the ancient Babylonians who joined him and created the people of Israel. They were selected from all of the humanity that existed then, when for the first time the shattering, the first crisis after the shattering of Adam was discovered.

Abraham gathered around him all those who wanted to correct the primordial sin. These were unique people who yearned for the goal of creation, the attainment of the meaning of life, and Abraham taught them the method of connection and unity.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/20/15

Related Material:
Who Is To Blame For The Sin Of Adam?
Judging Yourself
General Intention For The New Year

Once Again Everyone Will Become A Single People

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (cont.ws):  “This revolution, many researchers call a demographic catastrophe, as the European region stopped the reproduction of its population. By 2050, excluding immigration, instead of the current 728 million, the European continent will number 600 million. That is equivalent to the loss of the population living today in Germany, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland combined. The last time such a significant reduction in the population was observed in Europe was only during the plague years 1347-1352. …

“Naturally, this leads to the inability of the EU to maintain the integrity of the existing social structure: the labor force will soon be too small, which already puts into question the very preservation of the social security system. While the many generations who were born in the demographic boom after World War II are still working in Europe, when they retire, the system will change radically. …

“The most important condition to prevent it is a constant and growing influx of immigrants. …

“As a result of these processes in the countries of Europe, there is a deep ethnocultural restructuring, in which it is increasingly becoming like a ‘melting pot’ (the concept of total blending of nations and races …). Europeans are being replaced by other ethnic groups, which are mixed with each other, and are forming a ‘nation of immigrants’ or ‘new nomads.'”

My Comment: All this is completely compatible with the trend of all matter merging into a single whole, into the image of Adam (Man), as described in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

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70 Different Nations Together On The Same Earth
Children Of Different Nations – One World, One Soul
The Kabbalists About The Nation Of Israel And The Nations Of The World, Part 10

In The Shadow Of The Asteroid Cloud

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is the impression created that Adam HaRishon (the first man) Adam was much more advanced than we are because he felt the upper force we don’t feel?

Answer: There is no doubt about it! Spiritual development doesn’t proceed parallel to physical development. On the contrary, the first Kabbalists were much closer to the upper force and the upper worlds than we are. If we now had the luck to meet with our father Abraham, it would be possible to ask him many questions. In the spiritual sense, a constant decline happens more and more with each generation. And accordingly, our ego and technological advancement, along with financial and economic development, have grown more and more..

Ultimately we have reached maximal technological advancement and minimal spiritual development in this world. And so the global crisis develops and breaks out, which is moving and felt all over the world in our time. It is possible to solve this crisis only through the revelation of the wisdom of Kabbalah to all of humanity. If all of us are united, we will reach discovery of the upper force and this world will ascend to the height of the upper worlds.

Question: We scarcely make any money to live in this world, but you want us to be involved with higher worlds?

Answer: The present crisis is only the beginning. Terrible blows are expected for the world. I don’t want to scare you, but unfortunately that is how it is. We already see clear symptoms now of a future Holocaust all over the world that nobody can stop.

The idea is that the world is becoming round. The higher spiritual forces are approaching our world like an asteroid cloud or a comet. The higher forces that are linked in a single network compress in an increasingly dense ring around our world, which is not connected into a single network. Rather, everything is divided, separate, crushed and torn apart by internal struggles. Our world and the network of higher forces that are approaching it are in opposition and contradiction with each other, so very unpleasant and negative phenomena are revealed in our world. They will grow more and more until we begin to connect and unite to be more and more adjusted to the one and only integral force. Only in this manner can we be saved.

Question: Are all the problems of the modern world sent to us as a punishment?

Answer: There are no punishments! It is only people who perceive what is happening in this way. In fact the law of nature is simply acting on us. More and worsening negative forces are awakening within us as we see the ego has grown from generation to generation. But higher spiritual forces are approaching us more and more like a single network. The opposition between these two systems is increasing: On the one hand, there is the evil human ego, and on the other hand, there is a higher network of good forces. Between them appear the potential differences and tension that we endure.

We cannot change the higher network; we need to only correct ourselves and unite. And you shall love your friend as yourself is the great general rule in the Torah. (Yerushalmi Nedarim 30b), which if not for its existence, we wouldn’t survive. The whole world is becoming global and integral, linked like a single small village. And as such, the world demands from humanity an identical good connection between them. But we are not ready to create a connection like this, so we suffer.

Only the wisdom of Kabbalah can bring all of humanity to good and wonderful relations, so it is being revealed in our time. Further, The Book of Zohar, which was written 2,000 years ago, pointed to our time when humanity would reach a state where it would be compelled to use the method of Kabbalah to connect itself and live in happiness. So I wish for a good and sweet year for everyone, meaning a year in which we have a chance to reach the good life.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/6/15

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There Is A Reason To Celebrate And Be Happy
A Happy Union With Nature’s Holiday
The Making Of A Good Year

When You Correct Everyone, You Correct Yourself

laitman_929Baal HaSulam, “600,000 Souls”: “Even if one man came before his Master in complete repentance, the Messiah King would come at once.” This means that whoever it was, even if it were only one man in the generation who was rewarded with extending that soul by himself, he will be able to reward his whole generation, since all who are obliged, exempt the public through their duty, and he can do much praying and hold his own until he rewards his entire generation.

In the article “600,000 Souls” Baal HaSulam tells us about the structure of the soul in its whole and integral form, when all its parts are mutually interdependent, when they are not separate parts but a whole structure that we see as split up, broken, and scattered to great distances only because of our corrupt ego.

The truth is that we are all in one wonderful system, in one soul called Adam. At first this structure was called Adam HaRishon (First Man), and it was the structure that the Creator created, and then it broke.

We have to reconstruct this structure, which means to reach the same feeling, the same recognition, but by ourselves. This is the reason that we don’t attain Adam HaRishon’s form but the form of Adam that is 620 times more understanding and who feels the Creator inside him.

Because all the parts are interdependent and connected to one another each one corrects everyone, because one part cannot be corrected without correcting its incorporation in all the other parts, until they all respond to it and become incorporated in it.

This is the reason that each part becomes whole only if the whole structure is whole. In this structure there are different important roles, but these roles are fulfilled in the mutual incorporation. There are prophets and Moses as their head, priests, and Levites—Kabbalists of all the generations who have already reached the attainment of the whole soul and are incorporated in it, which means in roles that are different spiritual levels according to their importance in the system.

There are several phases in the mutual incorporation: three times two thousand years, or 125 levels. Each one has to be corrected so that everyone can be corrected. Only if each one corrects everyone except himself, can he thus correct himself. This is his intention.

He has to subdue himself before everyone in order to correct everyone. This is his role in taking care of them, in acceptance, in submission. On the other hand, he has to raise himself above everyone in order to see that everyone depends on him. After all, the Lord has chosen him and he has to correct himself because no one else can correct his part.

It makes no difference who he is: whether the one sitting behind the millstone stone or a prince. After all, there is an opposite correlation between the Lights and the vessels and in the general vessel all the parts are equally important with regard to the end of correction. If one part is not corrected, its incorporation with all the other parts is not corrected.

Consequently, all the other parts are not corrected because of this part and cannot correct their incorporation in the other parts either. It is a chain reaction, and eventually the whole system can be corrupted as a result of one small, uncorrected component.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/14

Related Material:
Work In The Generation Of The Messiah
The General Soul: Mine And Ours
Expecting The Messiah

The World Of One Soul

laitman_944Baal HaSulam, “The Peace”: Thus, in our world, there are no new souls the way bodies are renewed, but only a certain amount of souls that incarnate on the wheel of transformation of the form, because each time they clothe a new body and a new generation.
Therefore, with regard to the souls, all generations since the beginning of Creation to the end of correction are as one generation that has extended its life over several thousand years, until it developed and became corrected as it should be.

And the fact that in the meantime each has changed its body several thousand times is completely irrelevant, because the essence of the body’s self, called “the soul,” did not suffer at all by these changes.

Question: How does the population on earth keep growing if the number of the souls that reincarnate from one generation to the next is fixed?

Answer: The souls are divided according to the number of bodies. Basically there is one soul that is divided into many parts, but this division doesn’t really exist and we only perceive it that way.

In fact, reincarnation is a change of form of the desire to receive. There are many such reincarnations at every given moment.

There is only one soul, which seems broken. We see that it is dispersed in different bodies and divided into seven billion people and besides there are also animals, plants, and inanimate rocks. The whole world is part of the desire to receive that undergoes changes or reincarnations in their desire.

A Kabbalist writes about the reincarnations of the corrected desire that is equipped with an anti-egoistic Masach (screen).

Question: So what is the meaning of the corporeal world that we see, changing it in time?

Answer: The meaning of this world is to use it correctly to ascend to the spiritual level, that is, to add the spiritual essence to the corporeal picture that we see. By that we sanctify this world and it becomes spiritual.

We discover the connections between all the parts of creation: the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and most importantly, the speaking that are increasingly more connected by ties of love and mutual support until we reach the picture of one whole reality.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/15, Writings of Baal HaSulam

Related Material:
Many Sparks, One Soul
The Forbidden Fruit: The Second Failed Attempt
The Divided Reflection Of Unity

Work In The Generation Of The Messiah

laitman_281_02All the work until the generation of the Messiah is in self-annulment, although there are differences according to the destiny of each soul. In every generation there are high souls that have special missions.

This continues until we reach the time of the Messiah, which we are in today. The whole world becomes on soul, one family, and so we have to perform actions according to the time we live in.

This doesn’t mean that we have to sit and wait for the Messiah and hope for some miracle from Above. There are no miracles. There is only one miracle: the spark that awakens in a person. Everything else depends on one’s efforts and on his work, and there are no concessions here on the part of the upper system. Our mission is to draw the Light that Reforms unto ourselves and to correct the incorporation of all in all.

Today it is fulfilled by dissemination, using all the opportunities we have.  After all, it is the most real and practical action of correction that we can perform. This is the reason that we cannot escape this work. We should understand that all our study and all the systems we have built are all meant only to continue the dissemination of the method of correction and connection.

This is the major part of our work through which we will be rewarded with a corrected soul and will attain the form of Adam (Man). Then we will discover what the height of 600,000 souls that make that Malchut is. All the souls of Israel are included in Malchut of the world of Atzilut and rise with it to the height of GAR of Atzilut, called 600,000, ,which is 620 times greater, or the complete attainment from the minimal Light of Nefesh of Nefesh of Nefesh until the attainment of the complete Light of NRNHY.

This is our work, and the most important thing is not to forget that our mutual incorporation is the fulfillment of the correction. Its practical embodiment is the incorporation of the whole nation, as it says: “The Creator dwells among His people.” It is there that we find our corrections and the correction of our soul.

We must not forget that this requires continuous work and caring about people. There are different levels here: the still, vegetative, and animate nature and man, and even a poor beggar is as important as a prince. Those who are on the level of the whole nation have the power from their great mass of billions of people. On the level of the vegetative there are fewer parts, and there are even fewer on the animate level, while on the human level there are just a few.

Eventually we meet with the whole world, with all the people of all sorts that will later be clarified. We cannot identify them immediately. We see that people are ignited at first and then they cool off or that they follow the right path along a very thin line and then they suddenly divert and are attracted to an unknown direction.

We have to take care of everyone, like children, until they grow up. We must remember that it is actually thanks to this care that we correct ourselves and grow. We can attain the one soul only by dissemination; this is our mission.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/14

Related Material:
Expecting The Messiah
The General Soul: Mine And Ours
An External Ring Made Of Several Million

The Twelve Tribes Of The Common Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Light emanates from the East, for there the sun rises. From there comes the eastern wind, the most harmful of all winds. From the west comes snow, hail, heat, frost, and heavy rains.

The South, a source of blessing of dew and rain. is the source of the blessed dew and rain. From the North is sent “darkness” and malicious forces.

(The Torah, “Bamidbar”)

The location of the banners of the camps of the Jews corresponds to the four sides of the Light.

A unified system called the common soul consists of twelve parts (the twelve tribes) that relate to and are connected with each other in accordance with the four sides of the world that signify the four parts – Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin and Malchut.

And the banners must stand against each other:

Bina – Hochma

Malchut – Zeir Anpin

Each part consists of 3 lines, a total of 12 parts (12 tribes). Their location represents the pairing of the vessel of the common soul.

The Torah specifies which banner they have to be under. The banner symbolizes the private purpose of each camp that has its own characteristics and properties. Therefore, the one common goal is expressed in them in a slightly different focus, from a different angle.

As an example, a human body consists of various organs. Each in their own way senses the body’s movements, supports, etc. In the same way, thanks to the variety of properties and the way they connect among each other, the properties of the general force, the Creator are shown.

The property of bestowal shows up as a result of huge egoistic differences. Bestowal is as absolute like a mother’s love: Do whatever you want; I still love you.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/24/14

Related Material:
Processing The Emptiness In The Desert
The Twelve Tribes Of Israel
Clinging To The Creator

Soul—One For All?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Does each person have a soul of his or her own or is there one common soul for all?

Answer: In fact, there is only one common soul that is shared by everyone. Each person perceives a different angle, from his or her part of this great soul. It is ready to be perceived by all of us.

The Creator made one desire to enjoy, as it is written: “I created the evil inclination.” And we must act together to correct all this evil. In any case, we all are bound together as one body of integral as one man with one heart. Therefore, we will correct it all together will to receive together and reach a state that is called “soul.”
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 5/10/15

Related Material:
Who Has A Soul?
One Soul For All
How To Acquire Your Soul

It Will Be A Day Of Rest For You

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Exodus” 35:1 – 35:3: Moses called the whole community of the children of Israel to assemble, and he said to them: “These are the things that the Lord commanded to make. Six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have sanctity, a day of complete rest to the Lord; whoever performs work thereon [on this day] shall be put to death. You shall not kindle fire in any of your dwelling places on the Sabbath day.”

Initially we deal with the egoistic desires of a person or the society.

The Torah tell us that all we need to do is overcome our ego and gather together above it into one single whole. So this Parasha (Torah portion), is called, “VaYikahel” (assembled).

It speaks about the gathering of all the separated, distant, and hostile parts of the collective soul, which are found in all of us and which we need to gather, like a puzzle, into one single soul.

Through the connection of these parts, we begin to arrange them under the influence of the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light), the characteristic of bestowal and love of the Creator. If we try to be like Him, then to the degree of our efforts, He will influence us and help our gathering into a mutual, integral connection.

Then we will see how our mutual characteristics create something whole, some kind of complete image, which in the wisdom of Kabbalah is called a Partzuf, meaning a block or structure.

This Partzuf is composed of Sefirot: Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, Malchut. In the first six Sefirot, that symbolize the six days of the week, we need to work in gathering the separated parts of the soul. If we succeed in this, then the Light will finish the complete gathering, working on our efforts throughout the six days of work. And then we do not need to do anything more, since on the seventh day our work is finished.

We make it possible for the Light to finish this welding between us in which then the complete unit of the soul emerges from the separated parts we gathered.

We finish a week, and begin a new week. A part and then another part is gathered, and in this way, we gather our entire common soul. Within a particular number of actions like these we attain the spiritual gathering of all the parts becoming one complete unit, the likeness of Adam (man), which means Domeh (similar to the Creator). With this, we attain the complete correction of humanity, which we must reach.

So Shabbat is the holiest day, for on this day the Light acts, influences our efforts, and finishes them. It is as if throughout the six days we create the work to be done, and on the seventh day the Light carries it out.

If on the seventh day we continue this work, then it is as if we are happy about this shattering of the soul of Adam because we are attempting to do the work instead of the Light. This is the greatest violation of the entire system of correction.

In general, we do part of the work and the Light does part of the work. If we do all of the work ourselves, we are adding even greater destruction into the system and even more strongly rejecting the reciprocity of all the parts that we gathered during the week. Generally, it is preferable to do nothing at all than to gather all week and continue this even on the seventh day. In this way, we would negate the entire method of correction of the system and all of its forward progress.

So prior to the seventh day, it is necessary to finish our efforts, meaning that we stop on the sixth day and make it possible for the Light to weld all the parts, sticking them together. It is said, “It will be a day of rest for you.” Basically, the person is doing work and not just resting. At this time, we finally feel the gradual unity of all six parts into one general whole and we finish the correction of the present spiritual level. And after that, we correct the next level and the next, and so on, week after week.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/10/13

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Spiritual Sabbath
Path To The Seventh Millennium
Saturday As The Result Of Corrections