Entries in the 'Books' Category

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Birth In Agony

Dr Michael LaitmanThe solution is not in the greater emancipation of the Jews, and not in greater religiosity, but in the spiritual ascent of a person. The lessons of history teach one thing: no matter what we do within the framework of this world, the outcome will always be disastrous, and we will be hit with blows right up to destruction. Salvation is only in rising above the level of this world.

No matter where we turn at the level of this world: to liberalism, religions, emancipation—nothing will help. We cannot stay in the corporeal level; we are not allowed to get stuck in it. We can only go up from this platform.

People have not been told or taught about this; therefore, they do not want it and cannot do it, a situation similar to labor pains. The upper providence does not take a person’s corporeal life into account, but only the development of desire. The desires must develop until they reach our time, where, at last, a group will appear that will begin to implement the solution.

Inside the general vessel of the soulReshimot  are accumulating from all the sufferings endured by millions of people who died during the Holocaust, the Inquisition, and Stalinist repressions. All this is in order for the desire to enjoy to accumulate great pain from the fact that it is in egoism and to let the spiritual genes (Reshimot) of bestowal start working.

From the viewpoint of human logic, there is no justification for this. After all, who arranges all these disasters? The Creator! You can take Him to court.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/9/20, ”The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism,” Chapter 6
Minute 1:31:30

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The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Special Mission Of The Ten Lost Tribes
The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Not A Simple Connection
The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Anti-Semitism Above Nature

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Special Mission Of The Ten Lost Tribes

Dr Michael LaitmanThe ten tribes of Israel were lost so that later we could realize our purpose with regard to the world. The people of Israel do not exist for their own sake, but to pass on the method of connection and revelation of the Creator to all the nations. All the nations within the common soul of Adam HaRishon, belonging to the body of the spiritual Partzuf, have no way to contact the Creator, except through the Rosh (head) of the Partzuf, that is, the people of Israel, through the two and a half remaining tribes.

The ten tribes disappeared, dissolving into the nations of the world in order to create the connection between the head and the body of the soul. Later, they will be revealed as a transitional link between the head (the people of Israel) and the body (the nations of the world).

Over the past millennia, they have integrated with the body, with all of humanity, but according to their Reshimot, roots, and spiritual genes, they belong to the head. We need a layer in the general Partzuf that includes both the qualities of the head and the qualities of the body.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/9/20, ”The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism,” Chapter 6

3 Minute 49:07

Related Material:
The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Not A Simple Connection
The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Anti-Semitism Above Nature
New Life #797 – The Lost Tribes Among Us

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Anti-Semitism Above Nature

Dr Michael LaitmanThroughout the period of the last exile, the people of Israel had no awareness of their spiritual mission. We do not see such signs in the statements of Jewish philosophers and thinkers. The wisdom of Kabbalah was greatly concealed. It was a preparatory period: now with more inner or surrounding light, and afterward less, and accordingly, humanity was drawn to one direction, and afterward to the other.

It was a time when we had to find out our attitude to religions, check at what price we were willing to sell ordinary, corporeal Judaism and leave our faith. The human soul consists of four levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human; all these levels also need to be scrutinized.

Therefore, the matter did not reach the wisdom of Kabbalah and our duty to humanity,  the revelation that we have a higher mission than the simple traditional fulfillment of the commandments.

This was a period of scrutiny that continues today. Until recently, people in America thought that the modern emancipation and assimilation of Jews would help them dissolve into American society. It really seemed that it was possible to do this: there was almost no pressure or outright anti-Semitism. If there was some rejection, it was very intelligent and hidden.

Many Jews in America, as they once did in Germany, thought that anti-Semitism could be eliminated by even greater assimilation in American society because the problem is caused by the fact that the Jews are not sufficiently dissolved in Americans. It turns out that 3,500 years ago in the time of Abraham, the nation of Israel emerged from all the nations, from Ancient Babylon, and today, being in modern Babylon, we want to return and assimilate among the nations. This will be the end of us.

However, we fail to understand that the choice is now becoming more spiritual. After all, there are no big problems with corporeal differences: customs, the philosophy of Judaism, and education. In the modern world, everything is mixed up.

The question arises: Why is modern anti-Semitism rising and increasing everywhere, all over the world? This does not apply to culture, education, or statehood; it is a completely illogical, irrational, universal phenomenon that is above nature.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/20, ”The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism,” Chapter 6

2 Minute 43:00

Related Material:
The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Not A Simple Connection
What Is The Real Solution To Anti-Semitism? – Talk With Shaul Magid
Worlds’s 8 Billions People Possess Seed of Anti-Semitism

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Not A Simple Connection

laitman_962.5The connection that Kabbalah offers as a solution to all problems is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Initially, this topic can cause confusion and misunderstanding. If we look at our historical path, was it always beneficial for the people of Israel to connect? On one hand, connection is good. But it is important at what level it occurs.

Perhaps we are shutting ourselves off from all others by this connection? Or are we selfishly connecting to escape corporeal problems? Or are we connected in order to fulfill our spiritual mission toward the whole world? The people of Israel can connect in different ways, and accordingly their connection must be evaluated, otherwise we will get confused when it is for the good and when it is harmful. There were many periods in history when Jews connected among themselves, but this connection only demonstrated how much it was not for the benefit of the general process of correction.

On one hand, we exist in the corporeal world, but on the other hand, we must achieve our spiritual purpose while we still are in this world. What matters is the purpose for which we are coming closer to each other, and also the purpose for which we are moving away from each other. Both can be beneficial and harmful. It is impossible to judge our closeness or separation unambiguously, but only in relation to the purpose of creation.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/9/20, ”The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism,” Chapter 6

1 Minute 0:20

Related Material:
New Anti-Semitism
New Life #839 – Assimilation, Connection, And Anti-Semitism
How Connection Between Jews Can Combat Anti-Semitism – Talk With Richard S. Hirschhaut

The Constant Struggle Between Two Forces: For And Against Unity

Dr. Michael LaitmanToday, as we read the third chapter from my new book, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, which describes how the Jewish people were allured to Hellenism 2,000 years ago, which led to horrific fallouts, the rise and fall of the Hasmonean Kingdom, the rule of Judea under the Romans, and the Great Revolt and the self-inflicted genocide of the Jewish people under Roman rule, an overriding principle to the book became clear.

It is that what we read are not merely historical events. Although the book is rich with historical facts showing how Jewish social discord has brought about much ruin upon the Jewish people throughout history, professing that unity is the salvation of the Jews, more important than the history itself is the book’s atmosphere.

It is an atmosphere that constantly follows us. The characters in the stories change, but the essence remains the same: if the Jews choose to unite, they succeed, and if they let the divisive forces disband them, they experience terrible consequences.

What we read are not merely events that took place around 2,000 years ago, which have since disappeared, and which we now learn as some distant history that is irrelevant to us today.

Rather, the struggle of two forces—for and against unity—is constant.

Until today, we live in a shattered and divided world as a result of this struggle. It is quite amazing how everything in our world has been, is and will be organized between these two forces, all the way to our future and final corrected state.

Therefore, when reading The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, even though it is abundant with a variety of historical sources and examples, it is worthwhile to think of it not as a history lesson, but as relationships, attitudes and interactions that we can see unfolding before our very eyes in today’s world.

My new book, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is now available at Amazon and Laitman Kabbalah Publishers.

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

My New Book Out Now – The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism

Rarely do Kabbalists see their dreams come true. Even more rarely do they see the fulfillment of the dreams of their great teachers. But today is such a festive day: With great joy, I want to share with you that my just released book, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, brings to light everything my teachers had taught me.

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

They taught me that the fate of the Jewish people depends on their unity, that when they unite, they succeed, and when they hate each other, the world hates them.

Now, at last, packaged into one book, is an enormous collection of evidence from the entire history of the Jewish people that this is what actually transpires. It is a proof that the predictions of our sages are correct!

With the help of dozens of friends and students, a vast amount of resources has been collected, which points to the fact that, as one famous author put it, “The Jews are foiled by their own disunity.”

Indeed, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. By the end of the book, you will know the reason for the oldest hatred, how it can be dissolved, and how Jews and non-Jews alike will benefit as a result.

I am grateful to the friends and students who have helped in seeing this project through. I am sure it will enlighten anyone who reads it just as it enlightened me while working on it.

In addition, as part of the release, we have printed the first 50 copies in Israel, and I have personally signed each one of them. Here is a link to this limited edition initial set: bit.ly/TheJewishChoiceLimitedEdition50Copies

The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 8

Laitman_151Can The Book of Zohar relieve misfortune?

Question: It is said by the sages that the study of The Book of Zohar eliminates all misfortunes. How can a book save every person and all humanity from problems?

Answer: The Book itself does not save us from anything. I cannot buy this book and use it, as the townsfolk believe, like a talisman or some miraculous means (Segula). It doesn’t work that way.

The Book of Zohar saves us if we use it correctly, and, by studying it, we try to change ourselves in accordance with it. If we just keep it on a shelf or even put it close to our heart, nothing will change.

Question: But psychologically will it help?

Answer: Psychologically, yes.

I do not dismiss the fact that such psychological assistance is very important to a person. For a small, fragile, weak person in our world, it is very important. However, from a scientific point of view, it is of no use.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/18/18

Related Material:
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 7
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 6
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 5

The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 7

laitman_284.05Three Limitations in the Study of Kabbalah

Comment: Baal HaSulam writes that in order to begin to study his commentary on The Book of Zohar or The Book of Zohar itself, you must first familiarize yourself with the four prefaces written by him: “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” “Preface to the Sulam Commentary,” “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” and “Preface to The Book of Zohar. ”

Answer: Yes. It is impossible to approach reading The Book of the Zohar without a serious study of these four prefaces.

Question: In addition, Baal HaSulam writes that before proceeding with the study of The Book of Zohar, three limitations must be clarified, which cannot be violated. In spiritual attainment, there are four categories that are called: matter, form dressed in matter, abstract form and essence. The Book of Zohar does not deal with such concepts as essence and abstract form. What is this limitation?

Answer: It is impossible to deal with the essence at all since it is above our nature.

We cannot deal with the abstract form because it is not a science.

We only deal with matter, which takes some form.

For example, we study egoism, which can acquire certain egoistic or anti-egoistic, altruistic forms. We can put on these forms and examine them because we ourselves are the matter that takes on these forms.

It is impossible to explore something outside yourself, in particular, such a substance as the Creator. Only if He appears as a person and manifests itself in the form of some property: love, bestowal.

Question: The second limitation—Baal HaSulam says that The Book of Zohar considers only the worlds of Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya, that is, the concealment of the upper force from creation. Why?

Answer: We can only investigate what manifests in matter, and what is above it, abstract forms, abstract forces unclothed in matter, we cannot discuss them because they are absolutely unprovable and unrealistic.

Question: So there are five worlds and Baal HaSulam speaks only about three worlds?

Answer: Yes. He speaks only of those worlds where we exist: Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya.

Question: The third limitation—in each of the worlds BYA, there are three categories: ten Sefirot, the souls of people, and the rest of reality. The Book of Zohar explains phenomena associated only with people. What does this mean?

Answer: We should be interested only in what concerns us and what is clothed in us, and we can explore this from our practical comprehension.

We must see the limitations very clearly. A step to the left, a step to the right beyond the limits of our desire, which takes on various forms, turns us into philosophers and psychologists, but not scientists. Kabbalah is a purely a practical science.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/18/18

Related Material:
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 6
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 5
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 4

The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 6

laitman_250Reasons for the Appearance of The Book of Zohar

Question: The Book of Zohar is a commentary on the Torah. Why did it have to be written?

Answer: Circumstances changed.

There were stages when groups of Kabbalists who were in a state of attainment, that is, a gradual rise from the beginning of the creation of egoism to its relatively complete development, as during the Second Temple, fell. The Book of Zohar was written in the second century AD in a state when a fall had already occurred. There were no groups, no nations; there was nothing called holiness, meaning a sense of at least relative unity. Everything was destroyed, crushed, split. Therefore, a technique was needed to crown this dark period of suffering, called the exile, which should end in correction.

The Book of Zohar is intended for the period separated from its writing to our time by a two-thousand-year exile so that, starting from our time onward, we begin to implement what is written in it, meaning to correct ourselves.

In our generation, we have been awarded The Sulam Commentary on The Book of Zohar. Therefore, we can reveal Kabbalah and begin to understand what the great Kabbalists Rabbi Shimon and his students said two thousand years ago.

Question: Are you saying that without the commentary written by the last Kabbalist of the 20th century, Baal HaSulam (Yehuda Ashlag) it is impossible to understand the Zohar?

Answer: Impossible. Therefore, it appeared.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/18/18

Related Material:
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 5
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 4
The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 3

The Meaning Of Kabbalistic Books, Part 1

laitman_531.01The Many Faces of the Torah

Question: When we open the Torah, we find a collection of historical stories with many characters. How should we correctly relate to them?

Answer: If the Torah did not come from a special source but was an ordinary book written, suppose by a person in the Middle Ages, then it would just be an interesting historical novel.

The Torah itself is presented in very interesting language, and when you start reading it, you cannot stop, because it captivates you. There is something in it that makes you never get tired of reading it.

I speak of this as an ordinary reader who has nothing to do with the origin of this book, religion, history, geography, or with anything else. It is just written in an interesting style.

Some perceive the Torah as a historical document, others as fiction, or, perhaps, as a collection of instructions or legal documents. It contains a lot of information about the interaction of people and nations in ancient times, about their view of the world.

In general, the Torah is a very interesting book. We see something similar in Josephus Flavius, if it is possible to compare the Torah and his works at all. To some extent, he retells the Torah and describes it as a historian.

Josephus is a truly stunning historian with a broad outlook and a deep knowledge of historical facts. He wrote his works while in exile in Rome where a huge institute was created especially for him, where hundreds of people worked for him.

But all the same, what he wrote cannot be compared with the Torah itself.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 12/18/18

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What Is The Torah?
What Does The Torah Tells Us?
Understanding The Meaning Of The Torah