Entries in the 'Ancient Babylon' Category

The Spiritual Development of Abraham’s Group

747.01The four stages of transition from one level to another are mandatory according to the condition of the ten Sefirot or the four-letter name of the Creator Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey. The Creator is the entire nature, its four levels of development, and the transition from the previous state to the next one. And so it is between all steps and within each step.

If there is a transition, it must necessarily go through these four, even in the smallest stages of development.

Therefore, there are four states of development, moving forward. The first is a partial exit from the absolute animal state to the human level. Man is a movement toward solidarity, connection, the property of bestowal and love, but still in its initial state.

So it was under Abraham when he led 5,000 people out of Babylon and organized his first Kabbalistic society. That is, this was a spiritual society in which people treated each other as equals although all of them were different, and everyone cared only about each other and society but not about themselves. In principle, this was their ideal.

Upon this basis Abraham led those who were ready to advance toward this ideal out of Babylon.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. History of the Jewish People” 5/4/14

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Those Who Followed Abraham

Focus on New Values

560Question: How were the interconnections in ancient Babylon arranged? What were the people doing there?

Answer: It was an ordinary, primitive society. They lived very simply. Babylonians ate mainly fish, as they lived in a valley at the confluence of two rivers: the Tigris and the Euphrates. They grew buckwheat and some wheat.

In principle, the birthplace of wheat is Israel. But the very first time it appeared was in ancient Babylon, as noted in the documents. The Babylonians baked barley bread, ate fish, garlic, olives, and olive oil, and drank water and wine. That was enough for them.

Question: And what did they do in general? Did they exist like animals?

Answer: Man did little in general, except for the last hundred years when he suddenly began to work according to the current system.

In those days there was a lot of unproductive work and everything flowed slowly and calmly. This was the case in all countries. And what did Indians do? What did Asians or Africans do?

It is nowadays that everything goes by minutes and charts because it is even better if the mechanisms work without stopping, and therefore, the problem of unemployment has naturally arisen. It had never happened before because people did not work at such a pace.

Even 150 or 200 years ago, what did man do? How much could he produce in a day and at what pace did he work? Naturally, in the world there was no such abundance and overproduction (with which it is not clear what to do) as there is now.

Comment: I remember that back in the days of the Soviet Union, there was a very narrow assortment of goods. And then American, Chinese, and Turkish products appeared, the range expanded.

My Response: It was all very good and attractive for a time. And today, both men and women are dressed in “rags,” walk in sneakers, and no one pays attention to beautiful, decent clothes. It even becomes somewhat provocative because it shows how empty you are inside if you are so dressy on the outside. Even at all sorts of diplomatic receptions, everywhere.

A university teacher gives lectures almost wearing shorts. Where is this polish, jacket, tie, and white shirt? Not to mention the students at all. In the 50s and 60s, there was no such thing as a student not wearing a suit and tie. I remember myself! I had to dress like this. And today…

But all this is correct because the focus is changing for different values, from external to internal. Now a person is not judged by appearances.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ancient People and Cultures of the Past” 3/8/13

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A New President, A New World, New Values
New Values
Rebuilding the System of Values

The Key Point of Human Development

214Question: What are the key points of the development of humanity, in which it has the opportunity to make some kind of choice?

Answer: The main point is the search for one’s own path, which started several thousand years ago by representatives of the nations of the world in ancient Babylon. As a result, they realized that all of nature is aimed at making humanity one.

They partly accepted this condition, although they consisted of many different small nations. But one of the wise men of that time, Abraham, the son of Terah, the spiritual leader of the Babylonians, rebelled against his father and began to preach that the essence of the development of mankind is to unite so that all people become one nation.

Since that time, a study called Kabbalah was created. It explains how we can unite together as a single nation. And although it has been going on since those ancient times, it still remains only an idea, a dream, a philosophy, nothing more.
This idea has not yet begun to approach people, and they have not yet begun to adapt it in themselves.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/24/22

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Continuity Of Development
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Despite Egoism

275The problem with humanity is that we should have invented some developmental goals for ourselves earlier, but now we can’t because the next degree is not in the same direction and perspective as previous levels of development. Previously, we developed instinctively, under the pressure of nature, and everything was fine. In a way, we sort of thought, sort of did, sort of even made revolutions. In fact, it is not “us” at all.

There is no freewill here, but it seemed so to us because the development took place according to growing egoism, which was constantly increasing in us. We were just looking for the best way to realize it. And so we realized it, some this way, others that way, in accordance with their internal natural data, which we call mentality, a particularity.

But now we must ascend to another degree and, contrary to our egoism, build a connected society, something that was not done in Ancient Babylon. Then we were given the opportunity to settle apart from each other, and therefore, we did not need to dock together.

And now we have come to the need for full communication again. Absolutely complete! But we have it one-sided, economic and egoistic. We need to make it different exactly according to the condition of ancient Babylon, as Abraham told all Babylonians, all people on Earth need to get together and be friends, to become “as one man with one heart,” one desire, one family.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Organic food” 10/21/09

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Then We Won’t Want to Destroy Anything

Stick To The Creator

594Question: Question about the truth. Where is it?

Answer: Truth is the best state of creation because, with regards to creation, we can speak. The perfect state of creation can only be in full equivalence with the Creator.

If we take, for example, a foil and begin to apply it to some statue, then the full equivalence, the full form, the absolute form that the foil will take when it is completely dressed on the statue will be the truth, the verity. Such is its state.

Question: Does it mean that we, dressed on the Creator are the truth? Then, do I need to know what the Creator is?

Answer: Of course! What the Creator is. You do need to attain some element of the truth to measure everything relative to it.

Question: But what is it? What does it mean that I dress on Him?

Answer: To be dressed on the Creator means complete equivalence to the Creator. Relative to us, we cannot give this any other practical definition.

Question: What is the Creator?

Answer: The quality of bestowal and love emanating from my absolute egoism. It is when our complete egoism, precisely created by the Creator, is totally, to the full extent like the Creator.

Question: Does our egoism become material?

Answer: Yes, it becomes a foil dressed on the image of the Creator.

Question: Do I take my egoism and start sticking it on the Creator to become like Him?

Answer: Yes, part by part. In this way, you conclude that, in principle, this is the only thing you need.

Question: What does my egoism turn into? What does the foil turn into if it is stuck in such a way?

Answer: Into the form of the Creator. That is why you are called Adam—like the Creator. That is, this material from which you are created, you must put it on the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/7/22

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Where Is The Truth?
The Way Truth Is Revealed
The Truth Above All

The Soul Of A Jew

294.1Question: Will the soul of a Jew always be a Jew?

Answer: Yes, because these are the souls from Babylon who aspired to unite with each other and to unite with the Creator. They responded to this call because they belong to the thinnest, upper part of a single soul.

But with the collapse of the First and Second Temples, they fell from this spiritual level and mixed with all of humanity. We see how this mixture has reached such proportions that on every point of the globe they cannot forget about this small number of people, decide who they are, what they are, or what to do with them.

As a result, we come to a state where, through the revelation of Kabbalah, this group of people will be forced to rise again to the spiritual level and show the whole of humanity the same example that the rest of the Babylonians could not accept in ancient Babylon.

The Jewish souls cannot change because they are different in their root. They correspond to Galgalta ve Eynaim, the part of the common soul that is engaged in the implementation of correction. And the rest of the souls adjoin it and also engage in mutual correction, but with the help of the upper light, which they receive through this upper part.

This is by no means a disregard for the peoples of the world or a preference for some over others. It is just the way things are. By the way, as a result of the mixing of the Jews with the peoples of the world during the spiritual exile, the same states arise in other peoples as for the Jews, and they also rush upward.

We see such examples that took place in the ancient world. These are: Rabbi Akiva, Onkelos who gave us the Aramaic Targum (translation) of the Torah, and others. That is, there were souls who in past exiles received a spiritual gene from Galgalta ve Eynaim, were able to adapt it, and use it even better than the Jews.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up, Reincarnation” 5/3/10

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“Redefining Progress” (Linkedin)
Nationality Results from the Soul’s Properties
The Call Of The Soul For The Promised Land

According To Spiritual Laws

947The Jews are the people who left ancient Babylon, adopted the Kabbalistic method of existence, and settled down according to this method.

The Romans and the Greeks are parts of Babylon that took a different path and settled down according to their egoism. This is described in the books of the historian Flavius Josephus who lived in Rome and wrote Antiquities of the Jews.

Rome developed absolutely materialistically, in complete contrast to Jerusalem, because the Jews lived according to certain laws that were set originally from Abraham.

They were taught how to behave in the city, in the family, and in their circle, and also how to strictly observe the code aimed at equality, respect for each individual and his development. There was no difference between a poor man’s son and a rich man’s son. Each received the same education.

There was no such thing that a girl from a poor family without a dowry could not get married. This was always the concern of the whole community or city. Not a single girl, neither poor nor rich, remained unmarried.

All this was spelled out in the laws and was very clearly carried out because these are spiritual laws that speak of a maximally corrected society.

The king had to give an account to his people. In the Psalms, King David seems to cry to the Creator, “Look what I have to do as a king: judge and participate in all the showdowns. I am obliged, obliged, obliged…”.

The roots of this ideology originate in the spiritual where everyone is equal and interconnected and each completely determines the position and condition of each other.

Therefore, there is no small and there is no big, everything is a circle, a ball.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Formula of the Creator” 7/18/10

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Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)—The Spiritual Law
The Law Of Roots And Branches – The Most Important Law In Kabbalah
No Profit At The Expense Of Another

Kabbalah Is A Tool For Achieving Happiness

214The method of Kabbalah came to us from the distant past, from Ancient Babylon, when we were all there in the same situation as today. But their global crisis was small because there were only several thousand people on Earth. They also discovered a connection and at the same time mutual hatred among them. And they also did not know what to do. That is when Kabbalah appeared.

Question: Why could it not be fixed in those days?

Answer: Because their egoism was not sufficiently developed. In addition, they had someplace to move to get away from each other, and, like insects, they scattered all over the earth. Today there is nowhere to go.

Comment: But today, there are many who are also trying to find a way out and say that we will fly to another planet, to Mars, or somewhere else so as to not unite with each other.

My Response: It will not bring anything. We need to get settled here. The other planets are not for us. It is a fantasy to say, “Apple trees will bloom on Mars,” and although that is good, no one needs it. God willing, they will still bloom on Earth.

Question: Why does Kabbalah only speak about the purpose of creation and about the program of creation?

Answer: What else can a person talk about? Only about the next day and what he should achieve. Simply give him the tool to achieve happiness. Here is your state, here is your tool, and here is your goal. Look how beautiful it is! Go ahead!

Question: But why doesn’t any other method take a person to an upper level?

Answer: Kabbalah connects us with the upper force that created us, governs us, and can correct and pull us to itself. Other methods do not have this power.

Moreover, Kabbalah is a science. It has nothing to do with beliefs, religion, or anything else. It simply gives a person the opportunity, strength, and knowledge to raise oneself to the level of the Creator. It is real.

The science of Kabbalah describes in physical and mathematical terms and progressive actions how a person must constantly change himself. It gives him a connection with the source of life from where the upper light that governs us descends to us and which we must attract more strongly to ourselves so that it corrects us. It revitalizes us, gives us a purpose for existence, and waits for us to start applying it for correction.
From KabTV’s “Close-up. Partnership Agreement” 4/7/10

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Wisdom Of Kabbalah As A Tool To Comprehend The Universe
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Clash Of Two Ideologies

Laitman_192Question: According to Kabbalah, what do Rome and Israel represent? There has been a constant confrontation between them throughout history?

Answer: There is a contradiction between the Creator and the created being, meaning between the Creator’s thought, His behavior, His quality of bestowal and love and the nature of the created being, which only wants to receive, to be satisfied, to enjoy, and to be fulfilled in its pride, strength, knowledge, and wealth.

Therefore, the entire essence, the whole philosophy of life, of ancient Israel, the group that emerged from Ancient Babylon and became a nation, was formed on the basis of equality, “love your neighbor as yourself,” and because of this it existed in the feeling of the upper force, in the understanding of its own development and the perspective of the ultimate purpose. All this was absolutely opposite to the barbarians.

The Romans were barbarians in terms of their attitude to life because they believed that life consists of the existence of the body and nothing more. Moreover, this philosophy was planted purposely, clearly, and soberly. It contained a lot from today’s concepts of attitude to life. At one time, the philosophy of the Romans was very popular in Nazi Germany.

The Romans indeed represented the most powerful, proud, and dominating force of egoism, which believed that conquest, suppression, and enslavement are the meaning of the existence of the people.

In Israel, however, the meaning of the existence of the people was completely different. The Romans could not agree with this. Thus, two attitudes to life, two philosophies, two foundations, two ideas, collided and war began between them, a terrible resistance.

There are contacts that are friendlier and less friendly. The Jewish people did not have such a thing that they shut themselves off from others. On the contrary, come and live like us. There was even a special place for other nations in the Temple. Today there is nothing left of this.

We are talking only about the ancient peoples, Jewish and Roman. We are talking only about the Romans, not today’s Italians. It should be noted that these are completely different nations.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Formula of the Creator” 8/7/10

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Two Opposites Acting Together
Create The Creator Within Yourself

Jew—The Goal Of Correcting Yourself

632.4Question: Kabbalists write that the mission of the people of Israel is to pass the method of connection to the whole world. But to do this, they must first unite within the framework of the nation of Israel.

What is this term “God’s chosen” and why are the people of Israel exposed to external and internal impacts, division, and pressure?

Answer: The fact is that the mission of the people of Israel was revealed in ancient Babylon to absolutely all Babylonians, which means, to all earthlings. But only a small part of them wanted to know what it was.

The rest of them have not yet been developed to such a moral level to understand that connection between people is really the task of humanity, in order to come to a perfect state.

Therefore, only a small group of disciples followed the ancient Babylonian priest Abraham, from which a whole nation later grew. In fact, it is not a nation. For example, I can become an Italian citizen, but, according to my origin, I cannot become an Italian. But anyone can become a Jew, and then it will be written: “Jew.” You can be of any nationality, and all this is crossed out when you become a Jew.

A Jew is not your material (animal) origin, but your goal in life, your philosophy of life, your burden that you take, to show yourself and others that you are correcting yourself, bringing an element of correction into the world, and contributing to the correction of humanity. All people should rise to the level of the Creator by uniting with each other and becoming one single whole.

At the same time, “love thy neighbor as thyself” as the main commandment of Judaism is the only fundamental law. If other principles aren’t based on it, if a person is not guided by it in his activities (no matter what he does in life), he is not considered a Jew. He’s just nobody. Call him whatever you want.

The term “Jew” comes from the word “ever” (“transition”), the transition from egoism to altruism. “Judaism” from the word “Ihud” has a deeper meaning, the connection between man and the Creator.

“Israel” (“Yisra-El“) in translation means “straight to the Creator” and is applicable to a person who directs himself directly to the Creator, to the quality of bestowal and love. It is like an image of someone who takes upon himself the method of correcting his nature in order to reach a connection with everyone for the sake of equivalence of form with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up—Return” 2/19/10

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