“I Am Almost There, I Am a Hero”

507.04Сomment: Recently, you gave the following definition of a hero: A hero is one who gives all his strength, but does not win, and yet he is a hero. This is completely different from what is accepted in our world.

My Response: All the definitions in our world are opposite to the spiritual ones. In the corporeal world they are based on my victory or my achievement, and not on the victory over myself.

When we watch movies, especially American ones, we admire them and even cry with emotion: “Finally they meet! Finally he achieves it! Finally something happened! Finally he was acquitted!” and so on.

It all boils down to the fact that a hero achieves his dream. It is realized despite all the haters and spiteful critics who wanted to trip him up. He was heading for his goal, for his dream, despite the hardships, and now he has broken through the thorns to the stars!

In principle, this is how the victory of egoism is implanted: I am going on my own, achieving my goal, and as a result, I am a hero.

But in spirituality this is not the case at all. It is amazing how different it is! After all, spirituality is achieved by revealing that you are inside your egoism in a completely wrong state, that your desire to perpetuate yourself, to win, and to prove your case is a purely egoistic desire, which in principle is harmful and deceitful, and that at the same time you are following the lead of your ego, your animal being is pulling you forward!

This is a huge lie that our nature plays with us, and it constantly urges us: “Come on! Do it! Prove it to everyone!” And we obey it all the time like blind kittens. We are slaves of this nature!

Such heroism is extolled in Hollywood films. But these are the most terrible manifestations of egoism because they are detrimental and harmful to others.

In his blindness, a man does not understand that nature is simply playing with him like with a small child: “Come on! Do it! See how you can do it! Well done!” This is how we all are, and we are still proud of it—vanity, pride, and arrogance. What for?!

Where are all those rich and wise, those supermen?!

All this is so petty and does not go beyond the level of small blind kittens, although in principle it looks like we are talking about strong and smart people. But they sit in their egoism and realize the instructions of nature and all the time seek out how they can even better realize their ego. Therefore, Kabbalah laughs at this “Hollywood.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who is the Real Hero?” 1/28/12

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