Internal Correction Leads to External

275Question: If you face a criminal who is against you, there are two approaches to deal with him. The classic, conventional approach is to resist, to fight externally, to suppress, to defeat him. And the Kabbalistic approach is to change this in yourself, and then the adversary will change. How is this change produced?

Answer: It is very simple! It is very direct and obvious. Let’s say someone wants to strike me, that is, kill the possibility of my correction in me. Life is cut short; this means that the opportunity to correct oneself, to carry oneself toward the goal of creation is terminated. In that case, I have to strike him. But only if he wants to annihilate me.

And if he doesn’t have that intention, then I have to think about how to correct him. How to correct this quality in me, so that it changes in me, and outside of me into something else, so that I see him as a friend, not by accepting his conditions, but by correcting his image in myself.

Question: You frequently say, “Find in yourself.” How can we do this?

Answer: For this, friends are given to you. Try to find contact with them and correct what you can correct. Among them you will find those qualities that create these images of haters outside of you. You have to correct them in your connection with your friends. As much connection as possible, as deeply as possible, as obviously as possible,  discover the quality of bestowal and love between you, and further already try to reach such a connection where all this is corrected. And then the external is corrected.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Turn an Enemy Into a Friend” 11/18/13

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