Where Does the State of Crying Lead To?

36Question: It is said in the Torah that the sons of Israel mourned for Moses in the steppes of Moab for 30 days, and the days of mourning for Moses ended. What kind of internal state is described here?

Answer: The children of Israel regret that they lost such a high degree, which was called Moses, and that they can no longer be connected with the Creator through it.

By 30 days it is meant 30 steps, three by ten, i.e., a full Partzuf.

In general, a lot is said about the state of crying in the primary sources because it is the dressing of light in such a garment of reflected light, which is necessary for the connection of the lower with the upper.

In principle, the states of crying and tears lead us to prayer, through which all changes are realized. That is, a person must reach such a final point when he can turn to the upper force that changes him.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 1/14/20

Related Material:
In Spirituality, Crying Is Purification
Crying from Kabbalah’s Point of View
Thirty Days of Mourning

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