Language That Is Close to Current Generation

209From the point of view of the digital-analog presentation of information and its sensations, four languages ​​are used in Kabbalah.

The language in which the Torah is described is everyday, narrative, and literary. The language of The Zohar is descriptive with hints, all kinds of legends, and examples that are sometimes far from life. The language of the Talmud is a legal language. The language of Kabbalah is a mathematical language; I would say it is physical and mathematical.

These four languages ​​give us, in general, four styles of describing the same events in the soul within a person. All of them complement each other. For our generation, the best is the last language, the Kabbalistic one.

All languages ​​describe the same thing: degrees of the states that you must reproduce in yourself and feel sensorially in an analog form, and thus advance step by step.

Still, scientific perception, that is, The Study of the Ten Sefirot is the closest to us. It was mainly developed in the 16th century AD by the Ari. Then Baal HaSulam complemented it and adapted it to our generation. Therefore, for us it is the most reliable system of presentation and application.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Languages ​​of The Zohar, Talmud and Torah” 10/16/13

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