Not Suffering But Happiness

281.02Comment: Most people come to Kabbalah because of suffering. As we engage in Kabbalah and rise above our egoism, we begin to look at everything from a different angle.

It turns out that the suffering remains the same, we just look at it differently, but the problems do not disappear.

My Response: If you begin to consider the emerging problems not as suffering, but on the contrary, as a means of attracting you to the Creator, to the highest goal, then why treat them as suffering? These are then states that push you toward development.

But what else?! After all, you are sheer egoism. Well, how can you be nudged forward, if not by being pricked?

Comment: Although I perceive suffering differently, it still remains.

My Response: No, it doesn’t stay. You look at it differently, you have changed your point of view. Soon, instead of suffering, it will seem to you that this is not suffering but happiness. After all, it all depends on the purpose it comes for and what it ties you to.

Let’s say a person works hard and digs a deep hole, but if he earned a million dollars for this work, then this is no longer suffering. This is an opportunity to rise to the next level. But he continues, should he dig this hole? Yes, he should.

Are you looking at the condition or are you looking at the result? By studying Kabbalah, you become attached to the result and see what you are earning at the same time, what reward. You are included in the light, included in eternity, infinity, out of your narrow state. And then everything changes for you.

But is this world changing with you? Your view of it changes. You begin to understand the depth of its structure, why everything happens this way, and you justify what is happening. But the world itself does not change. And then it will change too.
From KabTV’s “Videoconference”

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