Nature’s Endless Bounty

laitman_425Question: Do you believe that even if, God forbid, a mere 15% of the world’s population would survive, that it would shift them even an iota from their egoism or individualism rather than make them bitter?

Answer: Not in any case, it would change nothing. I never implied that we should reduce the population. I never said that the coronavirus should be thinning out the masses, picking on the elderly or the sick, or anyone else. Not at all.

Our world, as Baal HaSulam wrote, can feed tens of billions of people. We know how much of Earth’s vast terrain is unsettled and uncultivated. When used correctly, this land can feed another 20 to 30 billion people. There is no need to destroy that.

If we reduce our crude intrusion into nature, the air and water will become clean and clear, fish will appear, animals will return that haven’t been seen for a long time. It all depends on our correct attitude to nature, not on our quantity.

Read what is published in the newspapers and on the Internet: there are various wild animals that are no longer afraid to be near us. It’s only been a month or two and we can see changes occurring in nature.

Nature is ready, it wants us to have the right attitude toward it and, thus, responds to it. I don’t think that it will take a long time for the changes to take place once man begins to understand, even to a small degree, his integral role in the system.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/5/20

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