My Thoughts On Twitter, 11/15/17


We change neither the past, the present, nor the future. We observe the states we experience, and change ourselves! And so changes the world! #SelfDevelopment

“There’s no force beside the Creator”—that tweet began my retelling of Baal HaSulam’s article. BB is entering a new stage of growth. The resistance is intensifying. It’s coming from the Creator, like gravity. Our job is to attribute ALL influences only to the Creator! #quote

The Creator’s goal is to please His creatures. Thus one must think that him receiving #pleasure bestows pleasure to the Creator. And so he yearns to be in the Creator’s domain, to receive pleasure with the Creator, which would bestow contentment to the Creator.

One must be wary so that his will to receive is corrected with the intention to bestow. For the pleasure and #joy revealed in the will to receive to be with the intention to bestow pleasure to the Creator in that one feels the pleasure.

If one feels he’s drawing closer to the Creator, and feels contentment from finding #mercy in the Creator’s eyes, he must achieve the sensation of contentment not from the way he feels, but from bringing contentment to the Creator.

If one feels distant from the Creator, he must regret it. But not for himself, that he is distant—for causing suffering to the Creator. By not regretting for himself, he saves himself from falling into the #ego that separates him from the Creator.

There’s no #force beside the Creator means that one has no power either, and one errs in thinking that he did something independently yesterday, i.e. doesn’t believe that the Creator governs the world. And one shouldn’t regret the past, for it was the Creator who pushed him away.

One must try to always be in adhesion with the Creator: for all his thoughts to be about Him. Even in the worst state, one must not leave the Creator’s rule, to think that there’s another rule preventing him from walking the Creator’s path, for everything stems from the Creator.

When one feels close to the Creator he mustn’t say that now he understands the value of working for Him. For the reason is that he has become desired and so the Creator brings him closer. That’s why he feels flavor in the spiritual work to determine the Creator’s #singularity.

He sees his friends are closer to the Creator, while he’s not in accord with Him, being fully detached from Him. Although sometimes he gets an awakening he instantly disconnects from the Creator’s singularity. But this compels him to demand a solution in adhesion with the Creator

All rejections from the Creator also stem from Him. Not as punishment for weakness, but for one to ask for adhesion. Thus the Creator helps by showing how distant one is. And the more obstacles he overcomes on the path to the Creator, the further he sees himself from Him. #faith

Only by overcoming the forces separating us from the Creator, connecting them to Him, man remains bonded with the Creator. It becomes ever harder to sense the Him as the world’s only force. All he can do then is ask for the Creator to help by drawing him closer to Himself. #God

There’s no other #force in the world besides the Creator. And the alien forces that seem as though they don’t come from the Creator are meant to detach man from Him. But in rejecting, they evoke the need to seek the Creator’s help, showing him that without adhesion he is lost.

The world has lost the #connections we so desperately need. Nobody owes anyone anything, and is free to do whatever. The world is not at a crossroads—it doesn’t see the way forward at all. Herein lies the problem, but also the solution, as only one way forward remains—Kabbalah!

#Liberalism imposes itself on society, incapable of hearing criticism or collaborate on solutions, wages war via media, manufactures trust & an alibi for itself by spreading lies, distracts citizens with sports/fashion/food, undermines education, paints the image of its enemy…

From Twitter, 11/15/17

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