The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 45

From the book The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein:

The Appearance Of The Living

It’s time to proceed to the search of trends of unification on a qualitatively new level. On the level of the living matter.

“Living matter is the totality of living organisms of the biosphere, which is numerically expressed in elementary chemical composition, mass and energy.” (Academic Dictionary)

Unfortunately, how the living matter appeared is not known much more than about the appearance of the Earth.

Life as such is simply one of the fundamental properties of matter, and the question of the “origin of life” stands in the same row as, for example, the question of the “origin of gravitation.” (Kirill Y. Eskov, Amazing Paleontology)

Only one thing is reliable. Life appeared on Earth long ago. Much earlier than it could be imagined.

“We do not know any amount of time on this planet, when there would be no living matter, there would be no biosphere. In metamorphic rocks, the last and final product which is the Earth’s granite shell, we see the last stable product of former biospheres.” (Vladimir I. Vernadsky, The Chemical Structure Of the Earth’s Biosphere and Its Environment)

In general, the questions about the time of the appearance of life on the Earth have no relationships to the hypothesis that we put forward. We are interested in other things. When did the first signs of “social trends” appear in living matter?

It turns out that the question is incorrect. Since “Life is a collection of living organisms.” (Vladimir I. Vernadsky, Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon)

Life is social by definition. It is not our opinion; it is the conclusion of a specialist.

However, maybe it is not relevant today? It is known that much of what was said in the last century is hopelessly obsolete today. Just in case, let’s look in a modern textbook on natural sciences.

“Life is the process of existence of complex systems, consisting of biopolymers.” (O.S. Gabrielyan and others, Natural Science, Grade 10, 2013)

All right. The conclusion of academician Vernadsky is not only obsolete, but even was augmented. It seems unlikely that today someone will challenge one more conclusion of the great scientist.

In reality, not a single living organism on the Earth is in a free state. All these organisms are firmly and always connected – primarily by breathing and nourishment – with the physical and energetic environment that surrounds them.

“They cannot exist in natural conditions without it.” (Vladimir I. Vernadsky,  “Some Words About the Noosphere”)

Thus, living organisms are not just made social. It appears they cannot even exist in another form. I wonder why?

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 44
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 43
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 42

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