Don’t Be Afraid Of The State Of Pitch Darkness

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe are in advanced states and so we mustn’t forget that the moment before redemption is felt as the greatest darkness, helplessness, despair, powerlessness, and disappointment. Right before the exodus from Egypt it is pitch dark.

We advance along two lines. The Light comes, but it is felt in the desires that have not been corrected yet as darkness. Thus, people and whole groups see themselves in the worst possible state; in a state that is increasingly lower and more contemptible.

They think that they don’t deserve the spiritual revelation and that they are further from revelation than ever before, as it says: “And the Children of Israel sighed from the hard labor” in exile in Egypt. But this is the spiritual path.

We, therefore, have to distinguish between the heart and the mind. It isn’t by chance that the two Lights operate on us this way, the Light of Hassadim and the Light of Hochma; the Light of the goal of creation and the Light of correction. When we feel that we are in such a terrible state, we still have a chance to clarify and examine it and realize that it is right. This is actually the state that helps us advance.

On the other hand, the darkness and the weakness that are revealed are a very powerful call from Above. We have to break through this egoistic shell and reach the perception of a new reality, the feeling of a new world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/15/14, Lesson on the Topic: “Preparation for the Convention”

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